Is metal music bad for you?

SinisterMinisterX said:
"I'm gonna go get high because SMX said to do it"
Pssst. By the way ...  go smoke a joint.
On topic: no form of music is bad for you. Music is just sound waves. Disturbances in the air. Unless it's so loud it ruptures your eardrums, there is no harm.
There are multiple studies by unnamed, but high prestigious, fictitious universities, that rap is the leading cause for migraine headaches, drive-by shootings and ghetto murders.... very harmful indeed :p 

Belenor said:
Isn't the problem in lyrics? Music is harmless of course, but what about lyrics?
I think by "music" it is implied music AND lyrics, even then at most lyrics will offend you, but like SMX's drug observation, only a really weak minded person would commit some dumbass act because a song or artist 'told him' to do it.
Belenor said:
Isn't the problem in lyrics? Music is harmless of course, but what about lyrics?

Music can communicate a mood, and some people (read: complete fucktards) think that this can cause you to go and top yourself.  Which is absolutely ridiculous, considering that darkness has been part and parcel of music's development since instruments were developed.