Iron Maiden Rock and Roll HOF Snub

Does it matter to you if Maiden make the Hall of Fame?

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After all the drama that went on during, and leading up to KISS' induction into the Rock HOF, it leads me to wonder if the hall ever comes to their senses and inducts Iron Maiden, how do you guys think they would react? Would they try to include Paul DiAnno (as they should, being he was a founding member, IMO)?
Do you guys think the band would boycott them of sorts and not play like KISS did?
I, for one, really don't respect the HOF or the Grammy's since they accept hip hop/pop acts that have have not contributed to the true rock and roll way of life.
Just curious to see what y'all think of the matter! Does it matter to you, as fans, if they ever get in? Please discuss!
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That's my reaction to everything that the Grammy's and the Hall of Fame are. Maiden getting either of those will not change my love for the band.
Sorry! Should have specified! Doesn't matter--you love the band no matter what!

But doesn't the "No" option do the same thing? Your question isn't "Should Maiden make the HOF", it's "Does it matter to you if Maiden make the HOF".

To answer though, no, it doesn't matter.
RNRHOF are slowly entering the 90's, I think that they will start inducting the old snubbed bands soon, 'cause the late 90's don't really have any bands that are legendary enough to be inducted. I mean, there are a few that have the potential, but still... So I think Maiden will definitely get inducted one day.
RNRHOF tells us nothing except the personal preferences of the small group of people who run it (from what I've read it seems to be a far cry from impartiality). So no I don't really care about it and to be honest I don't think Maiden give a toss either.
In their acceptance speech for the Grammy they said that they valued it because it had been voted for by the fans (implied: that was the probably only reason they cared about it ...)
For the Brit Awards, at least they recorded an acceptance speech on video and sent it in. For the Grammies, they didn't even bother to do that.
Goofy me! I should have clarified in the poll... Doesn't matter, meaning either way... Sorry for the confusion! For example, I would love to see them get in for the simple recognition, but on the other hand, it doesn't matter, because being included in the HOF doesn't necessarily validate a bands credibility.
As much as I love KISS, I'm being honest when I say they're the pro wrestling of rock. Party band, theatrics and Gimmicks.
Maiden, IMO, took it one step further with intricate musical writing, thought provoking lyrics, and musically are the most cohesive tightest band there.
So if the Hall doesn't induct them , it's the Halls loss! Not maidens!