EDIT (01/14/2011): By default/As much as possible, I wait for approximately 48 hours before tallying the votes, but just to speed things up a bit (and because I noticed that people have been voting fairly quickly on the first day and then very few votes are cast on the second day), please take note of the change in the schedule when votes will be tallied:
Votes will be tallied once:
1) at least 23 votes have been cast; and,
2) at least 24 hours have gone by; and,
3) there are no close battles (pairs that are tied or seperated by one vote); and,
4) I am not busy
* I chose 23 votes as the magic number since that's the # of votes that we've been getting usually. I shall increase the magic number if I notice a trend that more voters are participating.
* I need to include item #4 just for practicality's sake
There are 6 pairs of songs above pitted against each other in a head-to-head format. All you have to do is use your 6 votes to choose your preferred song out of each pair. Obviously, the song with more votes after a day, wins.
Good thing the band as 144 songs (from their studio albums), which is a big, square number. So I'll be able to rest the poll to have 6 pairs of songs until the time comes that all of the band's songs have been ranked from best to worst.
I'll be keeping track of the results in a spreadsheet and a certain logic will be followed where: If X > Y and Y > Z, then X > Z, which means X and Z don't have to be pitted against each other anymore. This will make the game faster. I also decided to do this 12 songs/6 pairs at a time to make the game faster.
Here's an illustration:
Basically, the mechanics follows the logic of a bubble sort algorithm. Let's say there are five (5) songs: A, B, C, D, E
In order to rank them accurately, you need to do the following head-to-head matchups at most:
A vs B
A vs C
A vs D
A vs E
B vs C
B vs D
B vs E
C vs D
C vs E
D vs E
That's just a worst-case scenario. There is going to be much less than that of course because if A > B for example, and B > C, then A vs C doesn't have to be done anymore since you know that A > C.
That example is for 5 songs. Imagine it for 144 songs and you have the idea for this thread. That's why I'm doing it six at a time... because it's going to take a long time.
This is not a knock-out battle where the loser gets eliminated or the loser goes into a loser's bracket. Songs will be mixed and matched as many times as necessary in order to get an accurate ranking.
In order to rank them accurately, you need to do the following head-to-head matchups at most:
A vs B
A vs C
A vs D
A vs E
B vs C
B vs D
B vs E
C vs D
C vs E
D vs E
That's just a worst-case scenario. There is going to be much less than that of course because if A > B for example, and B > C, then A vs C doesn't have to be done anymore since you know that A > C.
That example is for 5 songs. Imagine it for 144 songs and you have the idea for this thread. That's why I'm doing it six at a time... because it's going to take a long time.
This is not a knock-out battle where the loser gets eliminated or the loser goes into a loser's bracket. Songs will be mixed and matched as many times as necessary in order to get an accurate ranking.
Basic rules:
1) Use your 6 votes to choose your preferred song out of each pair.
2) Don't use a vote for the dividers in between each pair.
3) Don't use two votes to vote for both songs that are paired against each other.
Sadly, it's impossible to enforce rules 2 & 3... so just try your best to stick to the rules, folks. I hope no one intentionally breaks the rules just to cause trouble.
At the end of this all, we will hopefully have a definitive ranking of all of the band's songs (from their studio albums) as voted on by maidenfans.
I moved some of the results to on of my posts below because "The message exceeds the maximum allowed length (20000 characters). "