If you could meet one person from the past...

porcnoz said:
I agree with Onhell, even if a language you had to learn is useless in every day life, or seems to be, each language reflect a particular way of thinking. So what a language can bring you is to help you open your mind.

EXACTLY!!! Glad someone gets it.
Onhell said:
it doesn't matter what root the language has! We're talking about working your mind! excersicing your brain! Saying a second language is useless is like saying going up the stairs is useless... So you see it doesn't matter what language you learn, just like it doesn't matter what shoes you're wearing the point is you are excersing your brain or conditioning your body. C'mon folks, you're bright people, you got the posts to back that up, do I have to spell it out for you even more?

Uhh...if you actually read my post properly, you'd see that I clarified your point, rather than simply questioning it.  I think that the character's enhanced ability to write prose was probably due to his increased vocabulary from studying Greek, rather than the increased ability to think laterally (at least, vocabulary plays a greater role).  If it had been an entirely unrelated language, then, yes, the primary effect of learning it is to open your mind, but you didn't make that clear in your post.