If looks could kill

I think that this thread is about the same video: http://forum.maidenfans.com/http://foru ... 29#p142829 --seems that a guy was spitting on him, if i understood correctly.

I read about this somewhere else, also, tho I can't remember where it was.  I don't know if it was on this forum or another, but there was an entire thread about ticked off bands-- one where a guy throws beer on Angus Young, another one where a singer (can't remember who) got a rowdy fan on stage, let him talk in the mike, then gave him a ton of shit.  If I find that I'll let you know.
Thanks.....you guys know your stuff.

Blaze looked positively demonic and Steve just looked ready to dive in the crowd and spiflicate the guy........not often I get the chance to use the word 'spiflicate'.
This is another great example of the band having the intestinal fortitude to keep playing in the face of adversity. They do this over and over again.
On the Brave New World Tour, Bruce had some problems with a guy who was aiming a laser to the stage.

Looks like every time they go to Chile they have some kind of problem.

LooseCannon said:
I always spit on bands I like.

You're kiddin' right? :o :blink:
I'm pretty sure he's serious.  I like to do that too, but I'm even more dedicated.  I shine lasers in their eyes, throw beer, and hold meaningful signs like "play classics".
If you don't, you're not a real fan. Jeez like. In fact, for my favourite Irish band, I once shit in my hand and threw that up at them. Now THAT is what is called devotion.
Devotion. Don't try being smart, you're just not a real fan if you're not willing to have your fluids or secretions mixed with your favourite band members.
Ha!  Ok, I'll try it next time and see what it feels like.  Maybe it will be like one of those spiritual things, where I achieve the next level of awareness of Maiden, by flinging my excrement at the band.  :lol:
Hunlord said:
If you don't, you're not a real fan. Jeez like. In fact, for my favourite Irish band, I once shit in my hand and threw that up at them. Now THAT is what is called devotion.

I bleed for my bands and mix that with urine.  Really, it's the only way to go.

For geoff only:
We're being facetious here, mate.  Of course we don't spit on the band...
For geoff only:
We're being facetious here, mate.  Of course we don't spit on the band...

Yeah, i suspected that from the first time, but there is a thing i learned in my life: "Do not doubt what people can do, unless you know them very well".

Hunlord said:
If you don't, you're not a real fan. Jeez like. In fact, for my favourite Irish band, I once shit in my hand and threw that up at them. Now THAT is what is called devotion.

I'll try do that next time! I'll see Heloween + Gammaray next month and i think Andy Deris will have to take a really good shower after the show! :bigsmile:
I've seen the Danish punk band "Tæve" (translates as "Bitch" but also "To Beat Up") Throw Cherry Schnaps at the audience. Needless to say, I kept to the back of the venue.