I'll send in a video. Why wouldn't I?!?
I saw Sabaton open for Iced Earth and it should've been the other way around. Sabaton is so much better.
I'll send in a video. Why wouldn't I?!?
I saw Sabaton open for Iced Earth and it should've been the other way around. Sabaton is so much better.
I'll send in a video. Why wouldn't I?!?
Jon Schaffer's voice is on the new Sabaton album. He cites the diary in "Diary of an Unknown Soldier". When Sabaton thought of someone in the metal world with a beautiful, deep voice and some historical awareness, it led them to Jon. (I read this in the latest Aardschok issue, Dutch metal magazine).
I think it's very good. Schaffer's speeches rule (as long as they are not too political ).
I literally said to @Detective Beauregard after one listen - "Track 4 or something is just this spoken word piece by some dude doing a Jon Schaffer impression."
Glorious Burden had a cool concept but failed miserably in execution. Declaration Day is a good one and I like the first part of Gettysburg. Rest I can take or leave.