Iced Earth

WOW!!! They re-recorded Dante's Inferno with Stu singing and I ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT hear a difference between him and Matt's voice!!! They sound EXACTLY ALIKE!!!
Travis The Dragon said:
WOW!!! They re-recorded Dante's Inferno with Stu singing and I ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT hear a difference between him and Matt's voice!!! They sound EXACTLY ALIKE!!!
No, they don't.  :P

Stu sounds really good though.
Travis The Dragon said:
WOW!!! They re-recorded Dante's Inferno with Stu singing and I ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT hear a difference between him and Matt's voice!!! They sound EXACTLY ALIKE!!!

Listen again. Block tries very hard to sound like Barlow, but he hasn't got what makes Barlow great.
Agreed.  Ripper at least sung the songs his own way, and even if he didn't make them better, they were at least interesting.  The Something Wicked Trilogy re-recording didn't match the quality of the original, but it's different enough that I listen to it occasionally.  I don't think that will happen with Dante.  But, at least I'll get to hear it live. 
Invader said:
Agreed.  Ripper at least sung the songs his own way, and even if he didn't make them better, they were at least interesting.  The Something Wicked Trilogy re-recording didn't match the quality of the original, but it's different enough that I listen to it occasionally.  I don't think that will happen with Dante.  But, at least I'll get to hear it live. 
I preferred the Something Wicked Ripper rerecorded vocals. Surprise, no?  :P

The music and production was worse.
I tried to ignore Iced Earth but now it seems they're finally giving attention again to the best song, not played since AiA.

Makes me curious!
I hate Overture Of The Wicked, it's awful. What the fuck was Jon thinking when he removed that riff in the second part of the Prophecy?! :mad: