Houston Show-Fans Suck

Tboo Ted

Last night was the 3rd time I have seen Maiden in Houston....and the Houston fans suck.  
Someone posted a video of the fans in Dallas barely doing anything during Maiden and I was thinking that won't happen in Houston...but it did.
The only time I heard any noise from the audience is when they turned the lights on them, during Fear of the Dark and Number of the Beast.  It was like they only knew that handful of Maiden classics and otherwise it was boring to them.  The jackasses in front of me rented lawn chairs for 6 bucks and sat in them the whole concert.  The jackasses next to me laid on the grass the whole time and 90% of everyone standing just stood there with their hands in their pockets.  I was embarrassed.  I don't know, I'm 37 and have been to several Maiden concerts and I own all the albums and have damn near worn them out...maybe guys like me don't go to the concerts....or there's just more assholes that think standing around drinking $11 beer with a $50 ticket listening to someone they think has cool album covers is a fun night.  Maybe, there were too many teenage jag-offs there that heard one Iron Maiden song in their uncles truck 10 years ago and that's all they know.  But, I felt slighted, I put all my energy into it but it's not as fun when no one else is.  
Houston-save your money and go to the Jonas Brothers show next time....you sucked the life out of the Maiden show.

Edit by SMX: I had to add those spoiler tags, mere moments after my warning in the other thread. Bye-bye, Ted.
Looking at the the times of the posts and edits, he was creating this topic while you were posting the warning in the other.

There is 1 minute and 8 seconds between the moment you inserted the warning in his post in the other topic and the moment when he hit the post button in this topic. I bet it took him longer than one minute to type this text.
That's why he didn't read the warning.

Ah well, shit happens... these spoiler rules shouldn't be taken too lightly, so I understand why it happened.
Tboo, I feel for ya in terms of the embarrassment.  When Maiden came to Auburn Hills, MI for AMOLAD, the Palace was about half empty.  I truly believe that it was one of the reasons Detroit got skipped on the SBIT tour.  Plus as we were leaving, there were several jack-offs around us complaining about them playing the entire album and not playing more classics.  Sad. 

I also blame the local radio stations too. ONE station north of Detroit played Breeg about once per day during that time and the concert got very little pub.  Too many people around here that only know the band from seeing their shirts in Hot Topic and too many stations too busy with playing craptastic garbage or fawning at the feet of Metallica whenever they get the chance.  I'm truly glad that Maiden is coming back to MI this time around no matter what the set turns out to be, or how into it the crowd is, I'm going to be in my glory.
i dont get why he had to use spoiler tags  so he mentioned
notb and fear of the dark
but its obvious they play those. i fail to see how its a spoiler
Banning Tboo Ted seems a wise decision indeed.

Tboo Ted said:
The jackasses in front of me rented lawn chairs for 6 bucks and sat in them the whole concert.  The jackasses next to me laid on the grass the whole time and 90% of everyone standing just stood there with their hands in their pockets.  I was embarrassed.

Who fucking cares if other fans are enjoying themselves in a completely different way than you enjoy yourself. Not everyone likes to mosh/headbang/jump around at a concert just because you may do so. You paid for tickets to see Iron Maiden, not the fans around you, so don't trouble yourself with them (the fans, that is). In other words... just enjoy the show.
Groteskfull said:
Who fucking cares if other fans are enjoying themselves in a completely different way than you enjoy yourself. Not everyone likes to mosh/headbang/jump around at a concert just because you may do so.

You, good sir, are a winner!

Seriously... I've been watching a lot of the videos on youtube and all the European/South American people seem to be barking at us because our crowds supposedly aren't into it? Just because we don't like to jump up and down constantly for a 2 hour duration doesn't mean we are not into it!? When I am at a concert, I like to focus on everything that is going on on the stage, and the reason I don't like to jump/mosh/shout/sweat/headbang/run around is because it will interfere with me standing there and watching my idols play music for me.

Just my opinion. But I don't think I will have this to worry about this anyway... I am going to the Chicago show on July 18. Went to the SBIT 2008 tour... the crowd was louder than the band, no shit. I don't know why it would change again. And if it really is because they are playing new songs (some people obviously won't be into it), then that is their loss. I love all of Maiden's songs, and will enjoy the concert. Been looking forward to it since March 4, when they announced the dates. COME ON JULY 18!
Jumping, screaming, moshing . . .It's not how I enjoy Maiden. I find it's a distraction . . How can I focus on the music if I'm to busy screaming, and moshing . . . That's just me though. I don't think I'm a crap fan, or not into because I don't go crazy at the concert, in fact I think it's just the opposite.

The fact that I'm not trying to yelling at the top of my lungs, the fact that I'm not crashing into the people around me, means that the band has my attention. I think that's a good thing.
lol i mostly stand there with my hands in my pockets.
There's a difference between not going batshit insane, and looking like you'd rather be home playing WoW. Look at Rock in Rio, people aren't moshing or jumping, but they have their hands in the air and they are all enjoying the music.
Not to get into a big pee pee match or anything, but I really wish the moshing would go away.  It really makes it difficult to be on the floor anywhere near the stage (although I've seen a damn things break out anywhere) and be able to simply watch and enjoy the show without constantly being on guard.  And yes I yell and scream and get into the show.

Just got done reading the reviews posted on the offical site.  2 out of 3 good reviews, but what blow me away are the comments afterward from (some) users. 
Where do all of these nostolgia only fans come from?  While there were a great many commentors who defended the band's set selection, are there really that many people who stopped buying albums in the 80's and refuse to buy anything post reunion? Geez..
i went to ozzfest and the moshing was annoying and the lamb of god singer encouraged people on the lawn to throw grass so they put patches in bottles and threw them and instead of watching the show i was turned around making sure i didnt get hit with a bottle of grass
Yep, I honestly think it's just idiotic because moshing makes it harder for others to enjoy the show. This is Iron Maiden, not "Rotting Corpse" playing their hit single "Stitched Vagina".

All jokes aside, I think this parallels Bruce's comments on bands who are in it for the chicks or drugs; "If you want to do that, just go and do it somewhere else. But don't mess up my world because what we do here, to us, is really important. And it's really important to loads and loads of kids who come and see us."

Source: Abbey Road Studio interview
I do enjoy a good circle pit, but a crowd with good energy and involvement is the best. See: Flight 666, Aces High in Mumbai.
Americans largely don't have the patience for new material.  It's sad.  Everything has to be a jukebox show of greatest hits material or we whine and pout and make more beer runs.  A.D.D. is a terrible thing, it really is.

Clearly I don't speak for all Americans or all Maiden fans, but you see this from band-to-band...be it Maiden or Rush playing large quantities of either new or at least newer material.  It's as if the buttons to their formative years are not being constantly pressed, they have no interest.

I'm of the mind that a band owes me nothing in concert except for an effort worthy of the money I've paid.  I don't get to pick the songs or treat the band like my iPod playlist...and that's the mentality that too many of my fellow countrymen have.  It's sad and I apologize on their behalf because it is indeed a downer to see a bored crowd when the band is up there ripping it up.

Stop going if you don't like what's played.  It really is that simple.  And nothing sends a stronger message than that.  And in the age of the internet it's no *secret* what's being played so if you're worried about being trapped at a Maiden show for 2 torturous hours, check it out first.  Otherwise kindly go fuck off.
You know...I have to agree with the OP here.  He's not asking people to jump around, scream, or mosh it up and slam into each other.  He's pissed because they are sitting on their asses or just standing there with their hands in there pockets.  He's asking to people to ACT LIKE THEY ARE INTO IT!!!

I never mosh.  I never throw my body around or "Disturb" the guy next to me.  I sing along to every word, I scream for the band after every song and Im on my feet for every song throwing a few fists in the air.  If that bothers you then you really need to stay home and wait to enjoy your Iron Maiden experience on there next DVD.

I'm an American and damn proud of it...until we talk about live concerts.  Other countries seem to really "Get into it"  Americans just stand there.  What kind of message does that send to the band?  The band draws energy from the crowd just like we are supposed to draw it from them.  If they perform and we "Get into it" they perform at an increasingly higher level.  They appreciate and use our energy.  What motivation does Bruce really have to put on the greatest show ever if 80% of the crowd is just standing there staring at him with there hands in there pockets or fucking sitting on the ground? 

Say what you want but this is the reason Maiden hasn't put out a live DVD/CD filmed in the US since LAD.(I guess we we're different in the 80's)  The crowds in Germany, Brasil and the rest of the world just seem to "Get into it" more.  They don't just stand there like dead bodies. 

Don't even get me started on the whole setlist thing.  I'm 36 years old and own every CD including the live ones and all the GHs CDs.  I enjoy what they do with their tours.  Can't think of any other band that puts themes on their tours like Maiden does. 