Historical Figures 20 Questions

OK, I'm guessing you are throwing out scenerios and we are to ask about possible results from said scenerio?

Would there be a European Union?
OK, I get it now. I thought your proposal was what would be the result of no Hitler...

Yes/No questions?

What century was this figure prominent in?
Deano said:
Yes/No questions?

What century was this figure prominent in?

20 Questions is traditionally played with yes/no questions only.
The gamemaster (LC right now) may choose to allow other questions at his discretion.

Personally, I think asking "what century" is not acceptable.
The game is most interesting when you stick to binary questions (i.e. 2 possible answers such as yes/no)

Also, be very careful what you type in this thread.
LC has every right to take any innocent question about the game rules as one of the 20.

I think it's worth a few questions to narrow down the time period, but not too many.

Was the historical figure born after January 1, 1000 AD ?
3.  Yes, they were born after 1600 AD.

Note: this means that the person was born after 1600 AD, but their period of influence was over before 1957, when the EC was formed.  That's a freebie.
Given LC's known areas of interest, let's take a shot which might narrow it down a bit...

Was the person known for being in the military?

Allow me to clarify the question:
I'm not asking if the person merely served in the military in their youth.
I am asking if they are well-known as a military commander of some sort.
However, I am excluding politician commanders.
So Patton would be a 'yes' while Churchill would be a 'no', as Churchill was better known as a statesman.
Here's a question that doesn't interfere with SMX's one.

Is this person a male or female?
SinisterMinisterX said:
Was the person known for being in the military?

4. This person's prime influence on history was because of their service in the armed forces of one or more states.

Zare said:
Is this person a male or female?

5. This person is male.
Deano said:
Was the individual in question born in a European country?

5. Yes.

Perun said:
Is this person portrayed on your current avatar?

6. No.

Forostar said:
Was he was unusual for a military hero as he never saw the front line in his life?

7. I didn't say he was a military hero.  However, this person had a long and distinguished career in combat.
Note: I am changing the rules.

Because of the breadth and depth of figures from which to choose, I have selected one that will be fairly easy given the fact that most people know my penchants.  I will not do so again, and let's face it, who knows what sort of crazy Dutch figures Forostar can come up with.

So if Question 12 passes without a successful guess, it is incumbent upon the presenter to provide a quote from the figure or a quote about the figure.  IE, if the figure was Julius Caesar, a quote of "Veni, vidi, vici," would be appropriate.

If Question 18 passes without a successful guess, the presenter must post a picture of the subject or relating to the subject.  Please do not look up the urls as that will probably take you to the Wiki article.
Was the person at war with two or more major powers of their time simultaneously?
Perun said:
Was the person at war with two or more major powers of their time simultaneously?

8.  Good question.  During his period of major prominence; no.  During his period as a front-line soldier?  Yes.