Historical Figures 20 Questions

Ai, damn, I'm sorry that I couldn't be here earlier, Loosey, because if I might have answered it earlier, you could have won this game. You asked the important question.

It is indeed Adrian Smith!
Forostar said:
Ai, damn, I'm sorry that I couldn't be here earlier, Loosey, because if I might have answered it earlier, you could have won this game. You asked the important question.

It is indeed Adrian Smith!

Don't be sorry for that, Forostar. LC has a habit of asking one question too many - questions which shout to the world that he has one specific answer in mind. If he were the only player, that might be fine, and even make him look clever. But in this competitive game, LC (and everyone else) should be guessing a name as soon as they're sure about it.

So if LC was thinking Adrian Smith, he should have guessed that instead of referring to the Statements. It's LC's fault that he gave away the answer to Zare.
Before Christ? Wow, when LC means a real historical figure, he's really serious about it. :)

4. Was this person a man?
Perun said:
3. Was this person Greek?

No, this person was not Greek.

Forostar said:
4. Was this person a man?

4. This person was a man.
Forostar said:
Before Christ? Wow, when LC means a real historical figure, he's really serious about it. :)

Well, this guy doesn't have any huge twist, he's no Maximilian von Hapsburg anyway.  But how often do we have guys from BC?
____no5 said:
5. was he, on the side of Romans, or against them ? (if that person applies to the relevant era of course)

I'm not answering this question, nor am I counting it.  If you want to rephrase, feel free.