Historical Figures 20 Questions

I wouldn't have put an architect in that category.  I guess I'll combine this with a hint: 

6.  No, this person is not a painter, sculptor or any other kind of visual artist.  However, if artist is defined broadly to include any and all of the liberal arts, such as music, philosophy, literature, sociology, architecture (isn't that engineering??) and other such disciplines, then yes. 
cornfedhick said:
architecture (isn't that engineering??)

It requires engineering knowledge, but it is art. In the case of Frank Lloyd Wright, he is known for his artistry more than his engineering.

Of course architecture can be done artlessly, and often is. That doesn't mean it isn't art at the top levels.
cornfedhick said:
I wouldn't have put an architect in that category.  I guess I'll combine this with a hint: 

6.  No, this person is not a painter, sculptor or any other kind of visual artist.  However, if artist is defined broadly to include any and all of the liberal arts, such as music, philosophy, literature, sociology, architecture (isn't that engineering??) and other such disciplines, then yes. 

Neither would I. When I usually say "artist" in this thread, I mean someone who has contributed culturally to their society - writer, painter, musician, poet, actor, etc.