Foro, it's not what you say, it's how you say it, I find. The problem with text is that I cannot hear your tone, I cannot see your body language, etc. I guess I would take as an example, when you and cfh were discussing in the Polanski thread who's back was getting up...anyway. It seems always like you will suggest others are getting aggressive or angry. I have no problem with you saying to me..."I think you're wrong." Or, "What's going on here?" The problem I get is...well, here's an example.
By making it 2 questions, I had the feeling you didn't like it that both of the elements in the question were a 'yes'.
There's lot of assumptions in this sentence - that you have a feeling I made a choice because I disliked the possible answer or answers, and thus that I am punishing you for making a good guess. This sets my teeth on edge.
Had you said, "Why did you make it 2 questions instead of 1", I would have said, "You know, I decided to break it up because I wanted these two issues to be very clear." Or "How the answerer takes your questions in 20 Questions is his call." or "I was wrong, let's reduce the # of questions used." The detailed explanation you gave sounded like a lawyer stating out his case, explaining why you feel something is egregious when perhaps it was a mistake.
I guess I don't see how it's necessary to take this slant all the time. It's as if you don't think I'll be fair if you just ask, so you have to explain why things feel fishy. And I could understand if this was a court of law, but I thought we were all supposed to be friends here - I am used friends start off with a question before they explain why things are really fucked up in these sorts of things.