Hello! Proud to be a Maiden Fan and proud to be in such company...

Just figured I'd say "HI!" to everyone and point out something I've noticed over the years (which makes me proud to be an Iron Maiden fan). It seems that Maiden fans are (in general) some of the most open minded, thinking and intelligent people I've met. They don't simply blindly accept the easy answer, but look for the truth and want to understand why. They can be of various backgrounds and beliefs and disagree entirely about each others' beliefs - yet still defend that person's right to believe and respect that person's different belief(s).

Maybe that's why we are all drawn to Iron Maiden and have such a love for their music? I guess that would make sense, since they are master storytellers, tell stories from multiple, conflicting points of view (ie: not just one side of a story), and ask so many questions of the listeners.

Regardless, it is the reason they are my favorite band of all time, and the reason I'm proud to be an Iron Maiden fan.  :)

RobertM will fit in well here.  At least he has the good sense to introduce himself by buttering us up!  Welcome.
Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:
BTW, your recent blog entitled "Why Some People Hate Iron Maiden – But Shouldn’t…" is INCREDIBLE!

Much thanks! I was considering putting a post someplace about that blog entry, and the TFF Review, but being a forum admin elsewhere and having only perused the rules here, I decided to err on the side of caution and forgo such.

LooseCannon said:
I must now listen to Starblind.

LoL, I've got it playing through my stereo, with the lyrics on the TV right now...

Okay, I totally followed your Twitter, (@VeritasKnight) and you're part of the New Voyages team?

LooseCannon said:
Okay, I totally followed your Twitter, (@VeritasKnight) and you're part of the New Voyages team?


Much thanks! And yes, I'm the Line Producer and Gaffer for the New Voyages Team (amongst other things, like the network guy who owns and runs our servers).

SinisterMinisterX said:
Let's try again...  :bigsmile:

There's a song about that.  :smartarse:

Ah yes... yes there is. I must admit, my only exposure to the Blaze era was "Sign of the Cross" from "Rock in Rio" with Bruce singing it.  :S
Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:
You NEED to check out X Factor!
Also, you didn't hear The Clansman on RiR?

OK, yes, I heard that too... ugh, I am getting senile... and I will one day pick up Blaze's IM albums... soon.