Guess The Song (Maiden)

Is it significant that this is a map of the Battle of Leyte, or could it have been another map?
Genghis Khan said:
I thought that would be too easy.

So are the lyrics  military-related?

Not really.  You need to go about 2 removes from the picture to get the song.  But it will take some deducing about the picture to get the appropriate first leap.

To be specific, the first leap is about something that occurred DURING the Battle of Leyte Gulf.
Alright, this is a long shot.

Is the key word San Bernadino? In that case, the song would be These Colours Don't Run.
No, but the Battle of the San Bernardino Strait could have been a lot different if.....?
This song doesn't have to do with a person at the Battle of Leyte Gulf...but it does relate distantly to a piece of HARDWARE that was employed at the battle.
LooseCannon said:
This song doesn't have to do with a person at the Battle of Leyte Gulf...but it does relate distantly to a piece of HARDWARE that was employed at the battle.

A particular ship that was sunk?
That was so obvious. It jumped right at me, yet I didn't see it.

The ship was the Musashi. Hence, the song is Sun and Steel.
Okay, here's a rather easy one. Two steps, the first one is moderately difficult, I'd say.
