Guess The Song (Maiden)

Yeah Wingman, it's the bike's name.
And no Perun.

I have another picture that is unrelated that leads to the song, if it's needed say so.
Okay, after enlarging the picture enough to find out it was a Kawasaki and letting the "V" on the tank guide me, I found it is a Kawasaki Vulcan.

Now, how on earth am I going to relate that to a Maiden song? *Twists brain*
Bit of a long shot, but how about Journeyman? Reason: this bike doesn't look like it's a bike built for getting around town, it looks more like a touring bike.
Albie, that's not it.

Wingman: Almost there! What you found is the company that made this bike and the series. The only thing left is the name of the bike itself.

Holy cow, I just found out that there are actually two songs that this bike series leads to, so I'll accept either one.
Oh, I know which one is it, but I'm not going to steal the answer...

EDIT: Ok, since Wingman isn't posting, there song that I know that refers to Volcanos... Fates Warning
That's not what I was looking for actually. How did you get there?

The key is this bike name. Not Kawasaki Vulcan, but the name after that.

Here's another picture that leads to it:

This one is unrelated to the one with the bike so don't look for a connection.
Very nice Wingman! The bikes name is Drifter indeed.
The other pic is of a horse made of driftwood that I thought was too easy, and there's a similiar bike in the Vulcan series called Nomad.

Your turn.
I've got plenty of stuff to do this weekend, so I'll probably not be able to follow this thread up - so I suggest you come up with a new one if you have?
Wow. Nothing comes to mind with this one.
I guess not killers just because he got killed.
He was killed in Dallas, as we all know, but when you state this:

Black_Thunder94 said:
You need to go a few corners around to get this one  :innocent:
Does this suggest we need to know more than just Dallas (i.e. the street name round the corner from where he was killed, or something).

Or does this suggest that the US did some nuclear bomb test in Texas somewhere and the answer is Brighter Than a Thousand Suns? After all, Texas is a big place.

I can't find (or more accurately, think of) any Maiden song that relates to Dallas or Texas or Lone Star or Dallas Cowboys etc.....
Nukes were all tested in Nevada and New Mexico, Albie...but good thinking...

He was killed in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas.
I was going to guess "Be Quick or Be Dead," since Kennedy was reputedly a corrupt politician, at least until he became President.  Plus, um, he was shot.  That has little to do, however, with Thunder's clue about the place of his assassination.  The "Bring Your Daughter..." guess is a pretty good one, since people did bring their kids to watch Kennedy's motorcade.   