Unlike most other Power Metal bands, Grave Digger have some dark and heavy riffs. They are not afraid to add some dirt into their music, which is something that most Power Metal bands avoid (and thus being uninteresting for me). Musically, The Reaper is one of he best german Speed Metal albums, and Tunes of War is close.
Grave Digger unfortunately have one big problem, and that's Chris Boltendahl. As a listener, one can maybe ignore the fact that this guy is one of the most arrogant, narcissistic assholes in the german Metal scene (and pretty fake too, because Mr. Headbanging Man does not care about Metal much when he is not with Grave Digger).
He never writes any songs, but hires guitarists to write them, and when they demand more money for their songs, he fires them and gets a new one. Let's better not get started on how they treat their support bands.
But he is also a bad singer. Sounds like a drunk smurf. Well, practically he IS a drunk smurf, so it is somewhat appropriate. It is like metal parody. Especially in his high register, he often spunds comically funny.
Terrible cheesy lyrics too. Put aside the awful english, but what he claims to be well researched historical content is mainly cliched fantasy tale stuff taken from hollywood movies delivered in poor rhymes.
It is sad really, because musically Grave Digger are one of he better german Power Metal bands, and also pretty consostent, especially when considering their latge catalogue.