God Bless America

Marriage is a holy ceremony between a man and a woman, and should thus not be allowed to homosexuals. In Norway they are now trying to allow gays to adopt children, which I think is wrong. They can try all they want, hell I don't care if they try until their rectum bleeds, men are not supposed to have kids with other men, if they were, it would be possible from nature's side.

To stick with the topic, I wish to congratulate Bush on the election. The world needs a strong leader. I have little or no knowledge of his domestic politics, but I support his war on terror, actually I wouldn't mind if he came to Norway to get Mullah Krekar. I do feel safer now that Saddam Hussein is in arrest, and I'm sure they'll get hold of Bin Laden soon.

And let's all face it, Europe is fucked without him and the U.S army to protect us. So therefore:

God bless the United States of America (Not just "America" wich many people have a tendency to say, as this includes the communist country Cuba)
[!--QuoteBegin--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--QuoteEBegin--]God bless the United States of America (Not just "America" wich many people have a tendency to say, as this includes the communist country Cuba)[/quote]

So your god just picks a couple of people he likes to bless and omits the rest? [!--emo&:huh:--][img src=\'style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/huh.gif\' border=\'0\' style=\'vertical-align:middle\' alt=\'huh.gif\' /][!--endemo--] I've never been so glad that he doesn't exist.
Lol, move aside, let the diplomat step in

Ok, you're BOTH right

[!--emo&:D--][img src=\'style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/biggrin.gif\' border=\'0\' style=\'vertical-align:middle\' alt=\'biggrin.gif\' /][!--endemo--] That sorted it!
After seeing the US election results, I propose some new North American borders:

[img src=\'http://homepage.mac.com/echohaus/.Pictures/neworder.jpg\' border=\'0\' alt=\'user posted image\' /]

Though I prefer this one:

[img src=\'http://mena.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/canada20.gif\' border=\'0\' alt=\'user posted image\' /]

Or how about a happy medium?

[img src=\'http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v301/woneill/canadaus.jpg\' border=\'0\' alt=\'user posted image\' /]

[!--emo&:lmao:--][img src=\'style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/lol.gif\' border=\'0\' style=\'vertical-align:middle\' alt=\'lol.gif\' /][!--endemo--]
LOL nice pics! I agree with Perun, Viking boy is way out of line. If you think only homosexuals butt-fuck you are way wrong, you would be surprise to know most of the times they just blow each other and the heterosexual men sodomize their women more often. Why should they be denied adoption? I think it is better for a child to have to dads or moms than no parents at all. And why do you feel safer that a ruthless dicator with no WMD's is out of power when there is still a Dictator WITH WMD's in North Korea that the united states of Bush didn't get rid of because his country contains no oil? The war on terror is ridiculous, just like the war on Drugs. Both wars can be ended swift and smoothly but that is no fun at all, there is no money in that. Honestly both wars are just to keep the people and the army busy and distracted. How can you fight terror? how can you fight fear? it's like fighting rain or sunlight. These things have always existed and always will, erradicating terrorist won't make it go away, it might help lessen it but the war on terror is to exterminate terrorism, something that will never happens and when it does what's next? War on Marbles because if left on the floor someone can slip on them? One date people 1984, two minutes of hate. That is who bin laden is, he is on every newspaper and magazine cover so people who are unhappy can vent their frustration at someone that isn't their moronic president. the US KNOWS where Bin laden is, if ABC can find him and interview him, the government knows where he is. He is more useful Alive than dead. If he is killed he becomes a martyr and hundreds will rise in his name and it would be worse. Bin laden must be captured alive and publicly shamed worse than Sadam and the other dude they caught. The US critizes Hussein for ruling through fear when they do exactly the same thing. Granted the US doesn't physically torture their people but they don't because they know mind games are more effective.
I wrote the following essay about a year ago on 9/11. Keep in mind that it is an OPINION. And even though it does have a couple of amusing phrases it is meant to be a serious critic. I suggest people print it as it is 3 1/2 pages long or read it if they have time on their hands. Sure it is dated but I still find it very relevant. ENJOY

Conspiracy 9/11

Civilized man keeps to himself fighting anybody that tries to invade his space, even if it is someone from his own community. Or should I say Americans have a terrible fear of the outsider. “Those dirty Mexicans keep trying to come into our country.” “Osama Bin Laden is trying to take way our freedom.” Mine, mine, mine, nobody can have a share of my wonderful, homemade, American apple pie. The things to analyze and walk away from 9/11 are the events surrounding it. When something bad happens we are all quick to point fingers, “The terrorists did it,” But do we really take the time to stop and think, “Well, did we do something?” (Even though I am not a U.S. Citizen I will include myself.)
The founding fathers had a dream, a great dream, no other nation in the world has been as lucky as the United States to have so many intellectuals working on building the perfect country. I also bet they are all turning in their graves to see their precious dream crushed into a horrid nightmare. The dream in which we could all live in freedom turned into a nightmare where we fear our own neighbor and everybody is out to get us. The U.S. totals more murders annually than any other first world nation. Why are Americans so violent? Who knows, however an explanation can be found in two things, Foreign and Domestic Policy.

“Soldier boy, made of clay, now an empty shell,
Twenty-one, only son, but he served us well”

By foreign policy I mean the way the United States created and has maintained its empire. Empire? Yes, empire. And that has been through war. Like the Romans, Ottomans, Mongols, Spanish and English before them, America expanded through war. The last “real” war was WWII. Every war fought after that was driven on American self-interest. Rwanda and Argentina asked for U.S aid and in both occasions denied since the U.S it was not affected directly. Osama Bin Laden took credit for the bombing of two U.S. embassies in Africa, yet it wasn't until he hit the continental U.S. that America finally acted. Thus, the acts of altruism and heroism lose their grandeur and romanticism when compared to higher acts that could have been shared with other countries in need. It is actually rather selfish. Europe has been a war torn continent for centuries, many countries (like middle eastern Iraq) have war in their own backyards, but the U.S. is hit once and the whole world must fall to its knees and pray for the dead, must wave American flags in compassion and pity the poor Americans who suffered a terrorist attack. Why weren't Yugoslavian flags waved when Clinton bombed Kosovo day and night? The United States can be compared to a spoiled brat. It is the richest country in the world, yet it lacks culture, maturity and intelligence (like any spoiled brat.) If any country dares stand in its way the media is quick to make them out to be the new “enemy”. Economic embargoes and other threats are quick to follow. But how has a government that has turned tyrannical by the standards put forth by the found fathers gain such support?
War is Peace
Precisely by making someone else the bad guy. WWII: the Nazis and the Japanese, 1950's: Korea, 1960's: Vietnam, 1980's: Central America, 1990's: Sadam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden. These have been the scapegoats for America's problems, they are to blame for our high oil prices, for our children going off to war, for getting fired, for getting stuck in traffic and for our less than perfect existence. By always fighting an external enemy your nation's frustration is vented through its hatred toward it. Even if they don't know on what continent or side of the globe it's on. That way, it doesn't matter if the President had extramarital affairs, there is a war going on. Te tax cuts only benefit the rich, wait, there is a war going on.

“Just like the pied piper lead rats through the streets
We dance like marionettes to the symphony of destruction”
Dave Mustaine

Now none of this is possible without a good system and it all starts in the education, through public schools the isolationist philosophy is imbedded in the public mind. In it you are taught the Native Americans were savages who needed to be exterminated, Communism was bad because it eradicated you choice between Frosted Flakes and Cheerios, stick shift cars are a hassle so buy automatic cars even though they are more expensive to buy, repair and maintain. The system grows and rewards obedient, reliable workers. The grading system is A-F, “A” is awarded to the obedient, dependable and consistent worker be. Does as he is told not as he thinks. “F” is awarded to the black sheep that choose not to follow, who are rebellious and unpredictable. They system has no use for those. With those “A's” they attend a “good” college and later get a “good” job and become “successful' because they earn thousands of dollars. Hence Happiness = Rich. That equation brings a lot of frustration on an individual who realizes what the hell is going on and he can't really break from the vicious cycle because everyone around him has been brainwashed beyond repair.
So, by having successfully embedded in your citizens that you are the most powerful nation in the world and if someone disagrees he is un-American, one of them (though “them” is never clearly defined), and kicking butt is the American way, the rest is child's play.

Act I

As the elections of 2000 came to an end taxes were the talk of the town. That, and Florida for its amazing skill of addition. Who won? Who would become President? As it turns out, Al Gore. But wait! What's this? The Electoral college, the institution that no one knows why it exists at all, decides that Bush is the winner making, many, many Americans unhappy. At the same time newspapers start warning that America could enter a depression by October 2001 and all throughout the year releasing polls showing the nation's discontent with Bush winning the election. The events pre-9/11 are: A disgruntled public, economic woes and a very unpopular president who wanted to finish daddy's business, but can't really voice his message to angry people (angry at him that is).

Act II

On the morning of September 11th, 2001 the nation is shocked as it wakes up to find the Twin Towers pierced by two commercial airliners. Firefighters and policemen rush to the scene to rescue, if any, survivors. The nation is in shock and is quick to point fingers, but at ho? The media quickly releases bin Laden's face on every magazine, newspaper, flyer and newscast for millions to release their frustration, anger and hate at a man they don't know, who as far as we know could be an actor. Bin Laden is only seen on videotapes and lives “somewhere in the mountains.” A supposed billionaire who wears rags as a uniform, (if he was a billionaire he could at least buy camouflage equipment). But they didn't care, the scapegoat had been pointed out and everybody hated it. Weeks later Bush bombed Afghanistan for opposing the U.S. instead of Saudi Arabia for training the man who committed the act. He targeted their training camps, which looked more like elementary jungle gyms than sophisticated, terrorist rearing facilities.


The results after 9/11 were not surprising. The disgruntled public united to support his fallen brother (unite the country); bush finally had the country's support (had the country wrapped around his little finger), and indicated to every American to go on with their normal lives (buy, buy, buy, to prevent a depression). That was America's reaction to the horrible tragedy, go shopping. Every commercial on radio and TV declared to buy “x” product, “For America.” But indeed with this the depression only became a recession.
Now with all of the country's backing on whatever he does, Bush quickly moved from Afghanistan to his “Axis of Evil” Reaganesque rhetoric. Yet, of all the countries mentioned in the so-called Axis of Evil, Iraq is the one he became obsessed with. It didn't matter if North Korea confessed of having a nuclear weapon, oh no, Saddam has to be removed. Why? Because his father failed to do so, so now Jr. has to clean up. Another reason is because they know where Saddam is. Bin Laden is hiding in some cave remember? ABC can get an interview with him, but the army, with all its technology, sucking 20% of the budget can't use one of the many spy satellites to locate this guy.


Am I saying that the U.S. knew about and let the attack on the World Trade Center happen? Yes. Why would they do suck an outrageous act? For America war is a business. Why make all those missiles and weapons if you are not going to use them? Better, sell them to your enemies so they can have something to fight you back with, then find a cheap excuse to go in and exterminate them. Why hasn't Hussein been toppled over? Because he himself is good business. He sells magazines, books, video games, increases ratings and until we find a new face to stamp “evil” on its forehead, America vents its frustrations at the mere mention of his name. But is all this worth the repercussions back at home? The hate crimes against Muslim-Americans, graffiti in bathrooms expressing feelings of discontent towards Islam and the loss of over 3,000 lives? My answer is, “No”. The government seems to think otherwise. Am I saying that the firefighters weren't truly heroes? No, I'm not denying that they were unfortunate pawns in the game of warfare, but they were the real heroes. Which makes the whole issue even more unfair. Rich politicians sit at home making decisions that will literally affect millions and the ones who carry it out are the ones who die. I'd like to see Bush or Cheney at the front lines searching for Bin Laden. Instead we have a handful of frightened young men, most joined to get grants for college, who are torn between a sense of duty toward their country and survival.

“Land mine, has taken my sight, taken my speech, taken my hearing,
Taken my arms, taken my legs, taken my soul, left me with life in hell.”

Today I saw a white building that on its side it said, 'Disabled American Veterans.” Are there any veterans that are not disabled? I mean, my uncle ha a limp from being shot in Vietnam and others are missing extremities. But there are many more apparently not disabled veterans that have nightmares from the war. My late Uncle served in WWII and was never able to watch a movie about any war after that. My aunt told me how he would remember his friends that unfortunately had died. Nobody can be asked to take a gun, go to an unknown territory to kill in cold blood and expect them to return the same person.
It' been over a year since the attacks and people still freak out when it is suggested that it was a conspiracy. Even when the media has finally exposed the lost FBI memo that never made it to the White House. But many things have happened since then to distract us, American Idol took the country by storm, Enron made the cover of Time, U.S News and The Economist for a few months, Cops aired its 14th season making sure white America keeps being scared of the vicious black man and the Washington Snipers made news for three weeks and faded into oblivion. As for the troll terrorizing the nation form his cave in remote Afghanistan? Well, turns out he is playing cyber games, passing messages to splinter cells all over the world hidden in porn sites. People wonder why he hates us so much. Well, the Romans gave us laws and democracy, the Muslims gave us medicine and algebra, as for America, its contributions have been McDonald's, jeans and Brittany spears. Not that I'm standing on his defense, yet trying to spread this gospel to the ends of the earth does seem rather… unnerving.
Nice essay, Onhell. Pretty accurate and well-written if I do say so myself. Good quotes too. [!--emo&:D--][img src=\'style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/biggrin.gif\' border=\'0\' style=\'vertical-align:middle\' alt=\'biggrin.gif\' /][!--endemo--]

But back to the the issue of Bush' re-election.

I still am shocked that Americans in could elect this moron for 2 consecutive terms. The only other presidents in the entire US history (that I can recall) who have failed so completely and horribly across the board are James Buchanan and Herbert Hoover. Let's take a look, shall we?
  • War on Terror: failed
    Capture of Bin Laden: failed
    War In Iraq: failed
    Budget: failed
    Defecit: failed
    Education: failed
    Economy: failed
    Jobs: failed
    World prestige: failed
    Environment: failed
    Health care: failed
    Civil rights: failed
    Upholding Constitution: failed
    Personal rights: failed[/li]
Impressive record, huh? [!--emo&:blink:--][img src=\'style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/blink.gif\' border=\'0\' style=\'vertical-align:middle\' alt=\'blink.gif\' /][!--endemo--] Though many people still think Bush is a bad President but Kerry would've worse. There's always a possibility that the other guy will be worse. But, look at it from the view of an employer. say you've got an employee with the highest position in the biz other than yours. He's been doing shoddy work for the past 4 years and is leading the organiztion down the crapper. Sometimes you even question if he got hired legitimately or not. What do you do about this incompetent? Fire his ass. The replacement could be worse but when has that stopped any company firing someone who hasn't met the expectations of the job? Apparently, most Americans would make bad employers.

Also, I don't think Kerry would've continued down the same path as Bush which is definitely a reason to support him over Bush.
What I meant was not that God doesn't bless all other countries, just that most U.S citizens refer to America as just the U.S.A. The last time I checked, it contained several other nations. If you for example ask someone from N:Y where he's from, he'd say America, which is the same as if I were to say Europe, or even Eurasia, since America covers two continents.

As for the homosexual part, I don't mind them, I just don't think they should be allowed to have children or get married. After all, what people do in their own bedrooms is completely up to them.

And Onhell: As far as I know, ABC has not interwiewed Bin Laden. He has sent video tapes to Al Jazzeera. This could be wrong, after all I live in a place where ABC isn't on TV, but I think I would have seen it on the news if a U.S tv-station had interwiewed him...
Granted that it is an American media network but you should be able to find it online, we saw the interview in sociology class so the taped interview exists.
[!--QuoteBegin--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--QuoteEBegin--]What I meant was not that God doesn't bless all other countries, just that most U.S citizens refer to America as just the U.S.A. The last time I checked, it contained several other nations. If you for example ask someone from N:Y where he's from, he'd say America, which is the same as if I were to say Europe, or even Eurasia, since America covers two continents.[/quote]

Well, here in North America, when ones uses the term "America", 95% of the time they are refering to the United States. If you want to refer to the continents as a whole, one would say "the Americas".

America = the USA
North America = Canada, USA, Mexico
Central America = everything from Guatemala to Panama
South America = Obvious
Latin America = Pretty much the entire New World except for Canada and the USA.

I know the term "America" is technically inaccurate, but that's what everyone says, so that's what it is. Popular useage dictates correctness.
Once again the Duke has spoken and his venom is felt across the land!!! in other words he's got it right, anywho, these are today's Letters to the Editor from my university newspaper, i thought they were all worth sharing to the international community ENJOY!


Arizona Daily Wildcat
Monday, November 8, 2004
Print this

In post-election America, javelinas run the asylum

Many people with my political orientation feel depressed last week. But I take comfort in a "Twilight Zone" episode called "Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder."

A woman is in the hospital. Her face is wrapped in bandages. She had surgery to correct her hideous appearance but does not know if it worked. When the bandages come off, you see that she is beautiful. But then you see that the doctors and nurses look like human/javelina hybrids. So she is devastated.

The people of the United States say that revenge and war and intolerance are good. They are for religious fundamentalism and fiscal irresponsibility. Those of us who are for peace, tolerance and fiscal responsibility are in the minority.

But unlike the woman in the show, we have a community of others like us - 55.95 million others, in fact. And unlike her, we are not confused about what beauty looks like.

File this under J, for the Javelinas are running the asylum.

Deborah Frisch
adjunct professor, psychology

Kerry supporters should unite behind Pres. Bush

This is in response to Delphine Perrodin's article regarding the legitimacy of Bush's victory last Tuesday. Four years ago we were told Bush was a "fake" president because he did not win the popular vote. Now Ms. Perrodin is suggesting some conspiracy theory about Bush winning the electoral vote. Is it that hard to believe that polls could be wrong? With the exception of the last couple days before the election we saw most polls showing Bush ahead from anywhere from two to five points. Then in the last couple days and the exit polls showed Kerry might win easily. Polls are not facts. There is no proof to back up her charge of voting fraud. Not only that, but both parties had sent their lawyer "dream teams" to the swing states to make sure there was no foul play.

Obviously Arizona was not a swing state because I had to be bothered by a moveon.org stand outside my voting location. Bush won the popular vote by almost 4 million votes and easily won the electoral vote. It's time to understand that it was a clear victory, whether you like it or not.

Before this election took place, I heard a lot from Kerry supporters about how the country needs to unite behind him once he wins. That attitude seems to have been lost along with Kerry's bid for the presidency. People need to realize that Bush is not the Antichrist. Kerry would not be the Antichrist either if he would have won. Both men want the best for America. I've had friends actually say that America is now hopeless and futureless because Bush has won re-election. If this is truly the way they feel then no one is stopping them from going to a place where they feel there is hope and future. Disagreement over issues is a healthy thing, probably the best thing about our political system. It's one thing to disagree and another to say you hate Bush because he's a "bumbling idiot." The fact is Bush will have an easy time pushing his agenda through in the next four years, but it is extremely important that he work with Democrats to overcome the divisiveness in our country today. We have one country, one Constitution and one future that binds us. And when we come together and work together, there is no limit to the greatness of America. That holds true no matter which party is in power.

Ryan Poirier
economics senior

Real American values shown in election

Congratulations to my former university-mates, and everyone in the United States.

You stood in line for hours, a record turnout, to elect your president on the basis of "values" and "morality." Now the rest of the world knows what you understand by these terms.

Your president led you into a war based on lies. You have shown your values and elected the liar.

That war killed 1,100 of your soldiers, as well as 100,000 Iraqi men, women and children (read the study in the medical journal The Lancet, www.thelancet.com) You have shown your values and elected the killer.

Your president decided that those he calls "terrorists" are to be stripped of any legal rights, they can be indefinitely detained without charge or trial. His administration advised the military police in "liberated Iraq" that the Geneva Convention does not apply when interrogating "insurgents." The world saw the results, the grisly photos of Abu Ghraib torture. You have shown your values and elected the man who organized the torture.

As I write this, the values you elected are at work in the Iraqi town of Fallujah. People there committed an unforgivable sin: They managed to defeat your mighty army and free their city from occupation. Your "moral" president, without having to worry about re-election, is now teaching them their lesson. The BBC (not the "free" U.S. media, of course) is showing fresh mass graves, hospitals filled with bodies, women and children shot "accidentally" at check points trying to flee their city.

Congratulations. You voted for all this, on the basis of values and morality.

Last time around, you managed to kill 60,000 of your citizens and a million Vietnamese before being defeated by a small Third World country.

Hopefully, less blood will be spilled before you come to your senses again.

Giorgio Torrieri
UA alumnus

Media uninterested in voter fraud

It's coming out in articles throughout the world about how the presidential election this past Tuesday was tampered with, and that Kerry really won. Fraud evidence has come out of Florida, Ohio, New Mexico and now other states. It is estimated that as many as 8 million electronic votes were tampered with, an unusually high number of Kerry votes were determined to be "spoiled," and provisional ballots were forced upon an extraordinary number of black voters.

Do you intend to investigate this? How is it possible that we have had stolen elections in 2000, 2002 and now 2004, without the mainstream media reporting on it? Is representative democracy that hated by the mainstream media? Please do some sort of investigating. It's becoming painfully obvious that our votes don't matter in this country, and the media does not care.

Scott Warren
economics graduate student

Governments need value systems

This letter is in response to Friday's article, "Religion has no place in politics," which outlined a prevalent view in liberal circles regarding the separation of church and state. Since Evangelicals derive their moral code from Christianity, the author argues, such narrow religious views shouldn't be used to elect a president who has been lobotomized by Jerry Falwell. This view is not only hypocritical but discriminatory, which may explain why it holds such little sway at the national level.

Governments need value systems in order to make decisions so it's a question of which, not if. Whether that value system is based on the value systems of Christianity, atheism, Marxism or a mix depends on which leaders are in place. Whether one believe in God or not, and how this relates one's perception of right and wrong or values, he or she still has a right to participate in elections. And remember it was moral arguments (rooted in Christianity) that brought about an end to slavery and other evils.

More importantly, this argument is used selectively. The author conveniently forgot to mention how Kerry spoke in churches about how his interpretation of Catholicism guided his domestic agenda. Liberals say that if something offends you change the channel, and then demand that no one use the term minority because they find it offensive.

Most disturbing is the implicit conclusion: that Evangelicals, or anyone with a moral code, based in religion, that the author doesn't like, shouldn't have the right to vote.

Bret Reed
senior majoring in English

Voting makes no difference in America

Well, George W. Bush won and John F. Kerry lost. That wraps up another fine political season full of entertainment like Jenna's silly tongue and Teresa's stupid mouth. Doesn't it seem like such a colossal waste of money?

Does it even make a bit of difference if one of these men is elected over the other? Has it ever mattered? This country is the greatest example of fascism that has ever existed, and we didn't even make the mistake of putting a face on our specific brand.

We learned from Hitler that if the leader dies, the movement dies. That is why these silly elections serve such an important purpose. We replace the leader every four years, but the system stays the same so that people believe that they have these freedoms that would quickly be taken away if they were ever exercised in a meaningful way beyond pornography and abortion.

We have failed to see this, and we will now suffer through another four years of being blind to our potential if we would just take action. But alas, we can barely get up the energy to vote, so it all seems rather silly now me asking you to start a revolution. Unfortunately, that is what is needed if we are ever to live in a world that can sustain itself. Unfortunately, the intelligent people who could create this change have been silenced and replaced by the replaceable mediocre minds of academia. Too bad. Too bad indeed.

Ove Maard
UA alumnus

Kerry, not Bush, was the moral choice

People voted for President Bush based on moral values. I must not understand what morals are, since I believe I am a moral person and I voted for John Kerry. I would like to try to clear this up. I thought that having morals meant that you don't lie to soldiers that you are sending to war. I recall being told last year while on my way to Iraq that we would find weapons of mass destruction there. We didn't. I was lied to. I thought having morals meant that you take responsibility for mistakes that you make. Since figuring out that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and that there were tenuous links to terrorism at best, I have not heard anyone in the administration admit to making a mistake. I have not heard any apologies for the deaths of my fellow soldiers and friends.

I thought that a moral person believed in treating every person the same. That means you do not impose your personal beliefs on people, you respect that they have differing opinions. This administration and voters across the country must disagree with me because they feel that they can impose their beliefs concerning marriage on everyone else in the country. Women and minorities continue to be discriminated against. And the administration forces people into retirement when they disagree with decisions the administration makes.

This country was founded by people who were trying to escape oppression. In the past four years we have lost many of the rights that our ancestors fought for. Now we are our own oppressors.

Sara Fleming
communication graduate student
Letters to editors always make me laugh. (btw - I hope your paper has an online edition that you copied those from, because if you typed them out yourself you have now life [!--emo&:P--][img src=\'style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/tongue.gif\' border=\'0\' style=\'vertical-align:middle\' alt=\'tongue.gif\' /][!--endemo--] )
The police beat is even funnier! And yes they have an electronic edition, I don't have THAT much time on my hands!
Anyone saying that his first four years were illegitmate shows a clear lack of understanding as to any federal system of democracy.

Not that I support him fully, but it's not because someone doesn't agree that conspiracy theories should be told.

[!--QuoteBegin-SinisterMinisterX+Nov 3 2004, 07:54 PM--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE(SinisterMinisterX @ Nov 3 2004, 07:54 PM)[/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--QuoteEBegin--]Here's why I think Kerry lost: the Republicans have been working for at least 20 years to demonize the word 'liberal'. No matter how sane and intelligent a liberal may be, the application of that label is now enough to make millions of conservatives stop thinking and start hating.
I know exactly what you mean. Everybody seems to think liberals are insane and that they have no morals. A lot of people consider this word to be an insult. [!--emo&:rolleyes:--][img src=\'style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/rolleyes.gif\' border=\'0\' style=\'vertical-align:middle\' alt=\'rolleyes.gif\' /][!--endemo--] Is being a "liberal" really a bad thing?

  • 1.
    a. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
    b. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.
    c. Of, relating to, or characteristic of liberalism.
    d. Liberal Of, designating, or characteristic of a political party founded on or associated with principles of social and political liberalism, especially in Great Britain, Canada, and the United States.[/li]
[!--QuoteBegin-StrangerInAStrangeLand+Nov 11 2004, 08:16 PM--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE(StrangerInAStrangeLand @ Nov 11 2004, 08:16 PM)[/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--QuoteEBegin--]I know exactly what you mean. Everybody seems to think liberals are insane and that they have no morals. A lot of people consider this word to be an insult. [!--emo&:rolleyes:--][img src=\'style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/rolleyes.gif\' border=\'0\' style=\'vertical-align:middle\' alt=\'rolleyes.gif\' /][!--endemo--] Is being a "liberal" really a bad thing?
  • 1.
    a. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
    b. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.
    c. Of, relating to, or characteristic of liberalism.
    d. Liberal Of, designating, or characteristic of a political party founded on or associated with principles of social and political liberalism, especially in Great Britain, Canada, and the United States.


I think Stranger should be banned for repeatedly posting that most dirty of curse words.
It's true. In fact, that was just a false definition. Here's the real one:

  • 1.
    a. Not limited to or by established, sane, moral, or intelligent attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from morality.
    b. Favoring proposals for extremely high welfare for blacks, open to new ideas for cheating on their spouses, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of only other liberals; simple-minded.
    c. Of, relating to, or characteristic of insanity.
    d. Liberal Of, designating, or characteristic of a criminal party founded on or associated with principles of social and political crime, especially in Great Britain, Canada, and the United States.[/li]
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