Global Hard Drive

I have plenty of room, Ohnell.  Granted, IL isn't as nice as AZ, but you are welcome to hang out.
I would be very interested in that Wolfsbane tape, Albie!

I think Foro has a point with the itinerary. It doesn't make much of a difference for somebody from the US to send it to Croatia or Germany, but it does make a difference for an EU resident to send it within or outside of the EU. Perhaps the most sensible thing to do for me would be to send it to Foro, and have SMX send it to Zare, who then sends it back to me...
That sounds something like this:
Perun -> Foro -> all EU residents -> all North American residents -> SMX -> Zare -> Perun
Note that all other EU residents, provided Invader does indeed not participate, are in the UK/Ireland.
I hope I am not too late but this is such a wacky great idea and I would really like to participate too! I know I'm not an old timer but please count me in - pilau (Israel)
Count me in as well. I will be travelling to the States in September anyway, I can make the transition from EU residents to North American if necessary. Great idea Perun! :)
That's actually a pretty good idea, Nat. I hope I'm really going to be able to get this going next week, and this time, it's even realistic. I suppose the most sensible thing then is that this is going to cross the Atlantic back to pilau, who sends it to Zare?
Zare is in Croatia. It's not any more complicated for you to send it to him than to anybody else, it's just that I'm trying to make up a working itinerary with the shortest possible distances for everyone.
Closest people on this topic are no5 (greece) and pilau (israel). And Perun of course.
I know what I'm doing is against the policy of not reviving old threads. I just wondered what is up with this project?
Perun got the hard drive together - copied all the Maiden bootlegs onto it, that is.

At which point, it spontaneously exploded due to attempting to contain too much awesome. :smartarse:
First he will make it look like a book (or something else), so that it wouldn't be controlled in all those airports and other transfer-stations. ;)