Gay parade banned in Moscow...again

mtmccox said:
I mean the whole concept of "loving other man as a partner" it's just blargh.
I suppose you probably enjoy girl-on-girl porn though, right? <_<

Every year there's a gay pride parade & dike march in Toronto. Whenever I've gone it's been just as enjoyable as any other parade hosted by the city. If they end up making a go of it in Moscow, they should model it after the one in TO.
Groteskfull said:
I suppose you probably enjoy girl-on-girl porn though, right? <_<
That's a bad comparison because someone watching girl-on-girl porn is looking for that.
My point was that he is disgusted by two men being together, yet probably has no issues with two women doing the same thing.
Groteskfull said:
My point was that he is disgusted by two men being together, yet probably has no issues with two women doing the same thing.
Oh I get what you mean. Then just what NP said.
Groteskfull is right, I do. So what?  :)

But for me, smoking cigarettes or cheating ones friends are also disgusting things.
So that's not that kind of problem, like I would treat those people in a different way than other "normal ones".
bearfan said:
.. or better put, there is no problem with hot lesbians  :rocker:

There is one problem, they wouldn't want to do you. Hot bisexuals is a different story though :p
I think there are some places in the world where gay pride parades like the one's in San Francisco, etc, are just not going to happen, ever. Moscow could very well be one of them. And perhaps the authorities there were thinking that it would be one of those "guys running around naked and holding each others dicks" affairs and were scared by it. And this is perfectly understandable. But its deplorable that a parade that might have been modelled after a slightly more sober and respectful and serious parade was banned because of pressure by right-wing nationalists and religious fanatics. People should have the right to speak their mind and express themselves (obviously, within common-sense boundaries). However, Russia and neighboring countries aren't exactly famous for freedom of speech.
As for the rest of this thread, I find it amusing how it developed into a discussion about gay male sex and how this is disgusting or not. While I agree with some users concerns about certain pride parades which do in fact give the general population a rather lopsided view of homosexuality as being very promiscuous and out in the open, the allegation that the perception of a person changes when that person says they are gay, is frightening. As Forostar was pointing out,  gay people are not all about sex and there shouldn't be any reason to think about what kind of sex a person is having. First of all, its private. Second, your friendly 50+ neighbor might be into BDSM and eating crap and all that kind of thing, and yet since you don't know this, you treat them like you would any friendly person. Should it matter what they do in bed? It's their business, and as long as its between consenting adults it should have absolutely NO BEARING WHATSOEVER on how you treat them.
Having said this, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and if you think its disgusting what 2 gay men do in bed, then thats your business. But perhaps instead of thinking about their sex, you should think about them as people and that their sex might very well all be part of the manifestation of their very legitimate love for each other.
Thanks Forostar! I've missed you guys and will consequently try to be a little bit better about popping in once in a while instead of dissappearing from Maidenfans cyberspace for months and months. :)