FUNNY / RANDOM / WEIRD Pictures...

Through the powers of image software, I can spoil it... I shall hide the answer so as not to ruin it ;p

The train is coming towards the viewer, there are actually only 4 frames, you can tell which direction its moving by looking at it frame by frame, the gap between two compartments starts at the far end and advances to halfway along, it never gets any further before the loop (actually kinda odd that can't spot that the compartment never travels past)
You can also take an educated guess at the original direction of travel by looking at the where the camera is facing/pointing. Someone is far more likely to be filming a train coming out of a tunnel & be pointing the camera in that direction, than the opposite.
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So Branscomb was trolling after all. People's comments are the funny stuff.

I needed to check if he was for real or not.

This is my 666th post. I'm Number of the Beast now. My life is completed, finally after all this... :dancinggeek:
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Looked at her other tweets. It's a joke. She constantly tweets over-the-top stupid stuff.

This is her status:

Strong, Independent, Christian woman. Jesus is my savior and I am his sex slave. 16, pregnant, mother of 2. I love my daddy, hes also the father of my children.