Perun 23:58:31 Staff member May 21, 2014 #1,283 This goes right in the drawer with the Casino Royal torture scene and will never be read again.
Forostar Ancient Mariner May 21, 2014 #1,284 Uploader's comment: "They hired a new valet guy at my dad's office park. He seems to be a little O.C.D."
Uploader's comment: "They hired a new valet guy at my dad's office park. He seems to be a little O.C.D."
Night Prowler Customer Deathcycle Manager Staff member May 21, 2014 #1,285 Lame, he didn't sort them by size too
Black Wizard Pleb Hunter May 25, 2014 #1,297 People who wear t-shirts like that are c**nts themselves.
CriedWhenBrucieLeft Meme Only Account May 25, 2014 #1,298 It's a bit unfair on Jesus. I'm sure he was a lovely man.