FUNNY / RANDOM / WEIRD Pictures...

@Perun can you shed any light on this?

I googled it, and while I did find a few references, you would not believe how little sense they make. I'm bewildered.

Therefore, have this. It took a while for me to get it, but when I did, I was stunned for at least a minute:

I must be as blind as a worm....
Not sure if this means you didn't get it, or it took ages... but just incase.

Rest in peas

Upon further thought, I admit this was probably a lot quicker for me due to English being my first language, as I suspect that peas/peace sound nothing alike in other languages.
Not sure if this means you didn't get it, or it took ages... but just incase.

Rest in peas

Upon further thought, I admit this was probably a lot quicker for me due to English being my first language, as I suspect that peas/peace sound nothing alike in other languages.

I got it right away. I don't think having a different native language should make a difference as it is pretty obvious from the context that the pun is in English.
Maybe not with whatever idiotic accent you have no :D They sound quite similar to me - sure I can tell the difference, but close enough for the joke to work.
Peas is about as close to piece, as it is to piss. Not that I'm saying anything about what you're talking or anything... :innocent:
Plus, you're playing a bit fast & loose with the word joke are you not? :p
Peas is about as close to piece, as it is to piss. Not that I'm saying anything about what you're talking or anything... :innocent:
Plus, you're playing a bit fast & loose with the word joke are you not? :p

For a start, it's "peace" not "piece" :P even though both words are pronounced the same. Pea-s, Pea-ce. I'm assuming it's your accent, because they sound practically the same to me, only with peas having a slightly harder sound at the end.
For a start, it's "peace" not "piece" :p even though both words are pronounced the same..
Pea-s, Pea-ce. I'm assuming it's your accent, because they sound practically the same to me, only with peas having a slightly harder sound at the end..
Dude, I think it's your accent! Phonetically, most dictionaries gave the pronuciation of the S in peas as Z, not S i.e. pi:z. The two pronunciations aren't that close.