FUNNY / RANDOM / WEIRD Pictures...


When I saw this pic I couldn't help but think "the worst romantic comedy of the year"!

The only question is, what would it be called?

Will You Bibi Mine?
The Dudes A-Biden
Hamas-king For Your Heart
Old And Older

Mili-taint Incursion
Iron Dom
You Jihad Me At "Hello"


When I saw this pic I couldn't help but think "the worst romantic comedy of the year"!

The only question is, what would it be called?

Will You Bibi Mine?
The Dudes A-Biden
Hamas-king For Your Heart
Old And Older

Mili-taint Incursion
Iron Dom
You Jihad Me At "Hello"

License to Hug
"Doctor, the times are crazy, I don't know what the world's coming to, I see Nazis wherever I go. What can I do?"

"That's alright, it's just the stress and your nerves and way too much social media. Take a holiday, take a hike in the mountains, I don't know."

The mountains:


I normally wouldn't post here AI-generated pics, but a friend sent me this one with the joke and I just found it too hilarious to not share.