FUNNY / RANDOM / WEIRD Pictures...

I find funny that it is included the whole POM album for favorite songs from 1983, duh!
Why is that funny? The image comes from a page about Steve/Maiden. The only major Maiden songs released in 1983 are from that album. It only makes sense to include them.
It isn't meant to highlight the best 1983 songs overall, by any artist. It's a Maiden-oriented thing, not meant to imply that the only good songs released in 83 are Maiden's.

Yes, that's why I said I think Maiden fans would appreciate it.
Wow. The joke was only kinda obvious and unfunny and... well, dorky in the beginning, but tolerable. But those two pages of explanations and discussions on the meaning turned it into something excruciating. Please, stop it already.
First of all, it's not even a joke. Second of all, there wasn't even one whole page of "explanations and discussions".