FUNNY / RANDOM / WEIRD Pictures...

Are the years 1939-1944 in Poland a "German visit" then?
I'm serious. In order not to irritate our Turkish neighbors, the period is referred to as "presence" in our official history books in school.
Our school history books, on the other hand, claim that the people of the Balkans were loyal to the Ottoman rule because of the Ottomans' tolerance, until they were corrupted by the influence of the French Revolution and turned to violence towards their Turkish subjects.
The Irish aren't so kind to their British neighbours. :(
Well that depends on what school you go to. I went to a Catholic school in Northern Ireland and we were taught about invasion, occupation, state sponsored ill behaviour etc whereas, according to Protestant friends, they weren't taught any such stuff. Although it wasn't today or yesterday that I was in school so I don't know how they roll these days.
Our school history books, on the other hand, claim that the people of the Balkans were loyal to the Ottoman rule because of the Ottomans' tolerance, until they were corrupted by the influence of the French Revolution and turned to violence towards their Turkish subjects.
That's school history books for you.
Cringeworthy stuff is aplenty on Turkish school history books. It didn't take me any further than elementary school to grow skeptical of them. Simply couldn't buy into the "Everybody else sucks, we haven't done anything wrong ever." mentality. Many people in Turkey do, though.
Not too different here btw, although we're of course the good guys by default.
There's a story still giving me cringes 20+ years later: my mother used to teach at Bilkent University for 15 years or so starting 1997, so I'm visiting her in 1998 I think; there's this girl, a student of hers, lovely, incredible person, we're talking about all kind of things, she observes that we Bulgarians and Turks seem to have quite a few words in common, and I automatically blurt without even thinking, well what do you expect after 500 years of Turkish yoke. I'll never forget the way her smile just went away, and she was so embarrassed and confused what the hell I'm talking about. Fucking idiot.
What I mean is, it's good to know history, it should not be forgotten or easily allowed to be falsified, but it's just bloody wrong to rub it in the face of totally innocent people.
Not sure what the joke is here.

Germany funded its side of the First World War by taking out vast loans, on the basis that they would win and make the Triple Entente pay for everything. Because they lost, the combination of vast debt, political instability, and the depression plunged Germany into a deep recession. The Reichstag's solution was to simply print more money, which (in concert with the prevailing economic climate) created a situation of uncontrolled hyperinflation