Full length Iron maiden Documentary


Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but does any one know about a full length documentary being released, I heard the back end of a radio converation about it.
I just logged on here because I saw the announcement and I was almost as excited as hearing that it was a new album.  According to Bravewords.com the official release date is April 21st.  Sounds fascinating.

See preview clip!

The fan at the end of the clip is hilarious.
My wife and I were interviewed in Japan for the movie so I'm nervously waiting with baited breath to see if we made the final cut. Unlikely given the sheer amount of material I'm sure they had,  but I will wet myself several times over with excitement if we do make it.

If not then maybe the (eventual) DVD extras!
I hope its going to be in a cinema actually near me, I will miss uni lectures for this, especially if its on a Tuesday.