For the two Megadeth fans besides me

Genghis Khan

Ancient Mariner
In less than a month, Megadeth is back in the studio.

Now, I am currently in the studio and I will be signing a bunch of stuff for the fan club and hopefully getting the last of the "backed up fan club packages" sent out. We are also setting up the coffee club chat AND I am also almost done with the backing up of all the drives, and that has been a nightmare. Let me tell you that!!!! But it's worth it, because in less than a month I am going to be making my new record!

More info...
Just when you thought it was safe: Mr. Dicktionary emerges from the shadows!

Now, I am currently in the studio...

"Now" and "currently" mean the same thing. One of these words should not be there.

...setting up the coffee club chat AND I am also...

Gratuitous capitalization. Keep your hands off the caps lock.

...all the drives, and that has been...

A comma means "and". It is improper to put the word "and" after a comma.

Let me tell you that!!!!

A single exclamation point would have been sufficient.

But it's worth it, because...

There's no purpose to having a comma here.

Dave Mustaine is a terrible writer (of written English, not songs).
He has annoyed Mr. Dicktionary.
He should be more careful in the future. :ninja:
Hmm, if that means he'll be on the road again soon and I can make up for the show I missed early this year... that's good news.
I'm looking forward to that new album a LOT (yeah, sue me Mr. Dicktionary).  At the moment I'm anticipating it much more than the Maiden album since this is so close and Megadeth is my favourite band after Maiden.  And will be great to see them again.  Last time (my first time) I wasn't in the field and was in agony the whole show since I wasn't down there with the real fans. 

Genghis, since you seem more informed than me, do you know if they have the songs written already or are they only starting the process?  If they've written the songs I hope we can expect the new album in the not-too-distant-future.  Would be great to see the band twice within a year.
Did he ever consider renaming the band into "Megadave"?
Perun said:
Did he ever consider renaming the band into "Megadave"?

I think Deth is his middle name.  :innocent:

@GK, thanks for the info!  I'm looking forward to this album much more than I was looking forward to the Metallica one. 
To my knowledge, James MacDonough (I assume you're talking about him?) left by his own decision and there was no hate between him and Mustaine.  And Iced Earth have never had a stable line-up (nor one that would have lasted over 2-3 years), while Megadeth had the same one for 9 years. 

Speaking of line-ups, I have great expectations for this current one in Megadeth (Dave, Chris Broderick, Shawn Drover, James Lomenzo).  They're all great players and the band seems to be doing great at the moment, so I'm guessing they'll keep this line-up for a good few years.  That's another reason I'm really anticipating this album: it's the first one with this line-up.
@ Invader: I don't believe I'm more informed.  From what I've read Dave has started with a "wall of riffs" that the band needs to sift through and decide how to connect them into full song.  No mention of lyrics.
The previous line-up wasn't bad either was it? Glenn Drover (who wanted to be more with his family if I remember correctly) is a great guitarist! You guys really should check out some albums by Eidolon, a great Canadian metal band. I admit that the vocals have always been the weaker point in this band, but those riffs! Amazing music by the Drover brothers!

About James MacDonough, you're right. But why he (really) left this big metal band (freely?) was always a mystery to me.
SinisterMinisterX said:
...all the drives, and that has been...

A comma means "and". It is improper to put the word "and" after a comma.

That is not true, I know THAT (:p)much about writing. In all my schooling years, textbook after textbook showed the listing of items as follows:

Apples, oranges, bannanas, and grapes

Iron Maiden, Metallica, Megadeth, and Iced Earth.
I think it's a difference between British and American grammar rules.  At least, I disagreed with SMX's comma rules and I use British spelling/grammar.
Onhell said:
That is not true, I know THAT (:p)much about writing. In all my schooling years, textbook after textbook showed the listing of items as follows:

Apples, oranges, bannanas, and grapes

Iron Maiden, Metallica, Megadeth, and Iced Earth.

Those look wrong to me. But I don't agree that commas exclusively mean "and", or that "and" can't follow a comma.

What I do know though is that one shouldn't start a sentence with a conjunction. ;)
I found this link: ... comma.html

That said this:

"5. Use commas to separate three or more words, phrases, or clauses written in a series.

The Constitution establishes the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government.
The candidate promised to lower taxes, protect the environment, reduce crime, and end unemployment.
The prosecutor argued that the defendant, who was at the scene of the crime, who had a strong revenge motive, and who had access to the murder weapon, was guilty of homicide."

Had many uses of a comma.
national acrobat said:
What I do know though is that one shouldn't start a sentence with a conjunction. ;)

Are you seriously telling me that you are using a contraction while teaching other people proper grammar? Shame on you!

PS: If anything looks wrong on Nush's post, it is my fuckup. I initially hit "modify" instead of "reply" and tried to restore his original post to the best of my possibilities afterwards.
Invader said:
I think it's a difference between British and American grammar rules.  At least, I disagreed with SMX's comma rules and I use British spelling/grammar.

I do believe it is called the Oxford comma.

Congrats to SMX for derailing this thread.  :P

Back on topic... I miss little Dave jr.  But I do appreciate the music the Drover brothers have made with Mustaine.  I've liked everything from "The World Needs a Hero" to "United Abominations".
We also are going to be announcing some really major news this week coming up, it could be about my book, it could be about a tour coming up; it could be about a whole lotta stuff!

Please please pleasepleaseplease let it be a tour early next year... :wub:

I guess Dave has at least some idea of songs, then.  Good, we'll get the album sooner.