Food prices: "While many worry about filling their gas tanks....

A total strike would just about stop half this country (if not more).  Just think if only the Walmart truckers didn't drive for a week. 
Exactly. Society would definitely take a hit. Which it needs, the status quo has to be broken for attention to be paid from the right places. No meaningful action will ever be taken until it REALLY starts to hurt.
The problem I see, and maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to be a 'trickle up' effect.  Things like this will shake the hell outta things, but it will start with the lower class, mostly affected, then move slowly to the middle class and on up.  The group that has the most chance of making a change would probably take the longest to be hit. 

Of course, the lower class in the US isn't anything like it was 50 years ago... it is not great to be there, by comparison, but is so much better than many around the world have it.

(@Deano, enjoy the new pad)
Unfortunately, that is true; but the extremely wealthy have never been affected much by anything throughout history. They'd still feel something though.

Thanks for the well wished on the house, as you know, the housing market is having a "going out of business sale" and these prices just can't be beat!
Yes, just like the 'don't buy gas this day' deals, it never affects who it is intended to before the ones doing it run out of ability.

Yeah, on the house, thats great-- I'm on the wrong end of that, so instead of selling, I am fixing.
Nothing wrong with that. The market will get better one of these decades. I, on the other hand am tired of living on base and am venturing out into the great wide world.
wasted155 said:
Yes, just like the 'don't buy gas this day' deals, it never affects who it is intended to before the ones doing it run out of ability.

The problem I have with "don't buy gas this day" is that it's completely pointless.  Since gas is a constant consumable, you'll fill up either before or after the day to offset the fact that you didn't buy gas on the day.  There's also constant claims that these gas boycotts affect, wildly, gas prices, and that companies are scared of them.

A "don't use gas this day" would be much better.
True answer.

I don't know if this has any basis in reality, but I was once told that a bigger effect would be to use 'off breed' fuel stations.  Stay away from Shell, Citgo, Texaco, etc and use the non-name brand fuel companies.  But I don't know, cause the gas has to come from somewhere, and there are only so many companies out there.
Leaving half of the population at home and tele-commuting would be even better. I could do my everyday work from my own house. Many people could these days.
I do as much of that as possible, but the thing that drives me nuts is I'm driving a 26mpg car, and I've put on 42,000 miles on since july of last year... that is crazy!!!  And my 45mpg motorcycle has to sit, cause I have to drive down dirt roads with my tie on.
Yeah, that's quite a dilemma.

Here's my random thought for the day:

If Mars is found to have been once teaming with life, the oil companies will do their best to own it. Where once there was life, there must now be oil under the surface. Justification for $10/gallon gas prices; getting it back to Earth.
They just need to be driven into obscurity by alternate power sources. We, as a species, are pretty smart. We can do this.
You are correct.  With the correct motivation, we should be able to do anything.  Look what the last hundred years have brought.
Oh, I don't mean "we" on the maidenfans forum, we suck.  :D :lol: :bigsmile:

I mean the really smart we's out there in the world.....  ;)