Fc forum and blaze bayley

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What is the right way to go about it?

An opinion is based on witnessing, or viewing a series of events to an inevitable conclusion.

I, and other fans like me, had heard and seen what Blaze was like as a singer and live performer. He’s tone deaf, never in key and his stage presence is nil, and that was when he was in Wolfsbane.

Things were not going to magically improve just because he joined Maiden. (Go play Look For The Truth and then claim Blaze isn’t tone deaf).

So, I based my opinion on what I’d heard and seen during his time with Wolfsbane. Every musical journalist of note said the same thing: that Blaze was never going to be good enough for Maiden.

Throughout the years of 94 to 98, album sales had bombed. Attendances had seriously dropped and the band had been relegated to an underground act performing in small halls and even clubs.

Furthermore, the events leading up to the dismissal of Blaze Bayley clearly showed that, my opinion, based on what I’d seen before he joined the band, was right - he was never going to be good enough.

The $64,000 is this: “is blaze bayley still in the band?” No.
Why isn’t he still in the band? He wasn’t good enough. Ergo, my opinion of him is right; whether you like that opinion, or not.

The return of Bruce and Adrian reenergised the other guys in the band with better live performances and better music.

Now, if you like the blaze albums and you enjoyed his performances fair enough. I’m not going to try and change your mind.

But, what I don’t understand is this. It seems to me, that a lot of blaze fans would’ve been happy if Bruce and Adrian had never returned and that Maiden would be the equivalent of Saxon now. Is that seriously what you want?

Maiden are now one of the biggest acts in the music industry; even more successful than what they were in the 80’s.

A thread was started on the other forum, which was aimed at “critics of the blaze albums”. I gave my reply and I gave my reasons why I don’t like them. I was then accused of being disrespectful to blaze fans!!

It was reasonable for me to think it couldn’t get anymore ridiculous than that, but I was wrong. One of the blaze fans actually compared Blaze Bayley with Peter Gabriel!! Peter effing Gabriel??!!

Everyone’s entitled to an opinion. But, an opinion based on something as daft as that, is based on a delusion and not based on facts! Peter Gabriel??? I still can’t believe someone actually said that.

Bruce and Adrian teamed up with Roy Z and released Accident of Birth and The Chemical Wedding. Those two albums blew the blaze albums out of the water - and Rod Smallwood knew it.

Is my opinion of Blaze Bayley right? You’re damn fucking right it is! Deal it
Being pissed off at things that happened nearly 30 years ago is a weird thing. How about moving on and smiling while you are at it?
Bruce being a better singer (and specifically a better singer for Iron Maiden) than Blaze is not synonymous with Blaze being an objectively bad singer and TXF and VXI being terrible albums, which appears to be your view. Lots of fans still enjoy Blaze's performances and the material present on those albums even though they likely prefer the material from the Bruce eras, hence some people might construe you saying Blaze is terrible and that your opinion is the only correct one to be disrespectful.

Having said that, yes, the IMFC forum does seem to bristle at critique of anything Maiden, past, present or future.
Construe…love that word. I must use it more often.
But, yeah I get what you’re saying.

I am somewhat baffled as to how the blaze albums are enjoyed by anyone - but, that’s just my personal opinion.

That’s the main difference. I expressed an opinion there, which is neither right, or wrong, it’s just an opinion.

Now the opinion that caused such consternation (almost as good as construed that one!) amongst the blaze obsessed forum masses, was when I stated blaze is tone deaf.

He sings out of key and in the same tone, devoid of any inflection, irrespective of the tempo of the song. That’s not a matter of opinion, that’s a matter of fact. It’s what he did in the past and still does to this day. Ask any musician, or singer and they’ll say the same thing.

I actually asked a YouTube reviewer, a musician who runs blogs to review various songs from rock and metal bands, why, that when it comes to Maiden, he only reviews blaze era songs that are sung live by Bruce.

His reply was really telling: “if I play blaze era songs with him singing, I’ll have to state what I really think. So, to avoid any controversy and possible lawsuits, I avoid playing songs sung by blaze!”
There you go.
But, if people enjoy blaze’s singing and that sort of thing - great!
If we're just telling you how annoyed we are at you, that's not a good thing. And do mind that these words are coming from a moderator.
Ultimately, I’m not bothered by what music anyone’s into. But, if you say that you don’t like James Hetfield and he sounds like a wailing cat, is that being disrespectful to the Metallica fans?

But, if I am annoying you guys on this forum, or on the other one, then, I shall take my leave and depart.
Construe…love that word. I must use it more often.
But, yeah I get what you’re saying.

I am somewhat baffled as to how the blaze albums are enjoyed by anyone - but, that’s just my personal opinion.

That’s the main difference. I expressed an opinion there, which is neither right, or wrong, it’s just an opinion.

Now the opinion that caused such consternation (almost as good as construed that one!) amongst the blaze obsessed forum masses, was when I stated blaze is tone deaf.

He sings out of key and in the same tone, devoid of any inflection, irrespective of the tempo of the song. That’s not a matter of opinion, that’s a matter of fact. It’s what he did in the past and still does to this day. Ask any musician, or singer and they’ll say the same thing.

I actually asked a YouTube reviewer, a musician who runs blogs to review various songs from rock and metal bands, why, that when it comes to Maiden, he only reviews blaze era songs that are sung live by Bruce.

His reply was really telling: “if I play blaze era songs with him singing, I’ll have to state what I really think. So, to avoid any controversy and possible lawsuits, I avoid playing songs sung by blaze!”
There you go.
But, if people enjoy blaze’s singing and that sort of thing - great!
I'd say I enjoy about 50% of the Blaze songs, but some of these are in spite of the man's vocals rather than because of them.

I actually think his more monotone, downcast style suits the brooding, depressed TXF material quite well (Fortunes of War, Judgement of Heaven for instance) but I really find it difficult to listen to some of the VXI tracks. I heard The Clansman with Bruce first on Rock In Rio and on listening to the studio version for the first time, I felt like it was vastly inferior to the live version as it was comparatively devoid of storytelling and emotion.

I've heard some post-Maiden live versions of stuff like Futureal and Lord of the Flies that I've really thought are good, they are delivered in a more raw and powerful style that seems a bit absent from the studio versions.
Ultimately, I’m not bothered by what music anyone’s into. But, if you say that you don’t like James Hetfield and he sounds like a wailing cat, is that being disrespectful to the Metallica fans?

This has nothing to do with it. It's your attitude that very clearly pisses people off, not what you like or don't like. And I've had enough of this. If you want to talk about Maiden and about what you like or dislike about them, you are more than welcome to do so on this board, and I personally promise you that nobody will give you a wedgie for saying you dislike Blaze.
However, if you want to whine about how mean the meanieheads over at the IMFC forum are, write them an e-mail, go troll their boards or get a fluffy rabbit to talk to. We have nothing to do with this.
Blaze stepped into an impossible situation and did the best he could.

Bruce is the best and him coming back was the greatest thing ever but I like the Blaze stuff for what it is and appreciate that he helped keep the band going in the dark years.
But, okay. I’ll leave you guys to your boring forum where you don’t actually say anything
…and even though I agree with you 100% on the merits of your argument, having made the same points myself and received the same disproportionate response from Blazeheads (and equivalently with Janick and his fans), this utterly petulant comment makes you look like a spoiled child having a temper tantrum rather than a credible person making a point that deserves attention.
If my username weren't any indication, I'm a huge Blaze fan. Even so I'm healthily critical of him and think there's a lot you can fault him for in terms of his technique, as well as poor aesthetic choices in some of his albums.

But why all the vitriol in this thread? I didn't realize people cared THIS much, on both sides. Relax. Go take a walk or something. Enjoy life.
Never was a Blaze fan. Great guy, bad fit for Maiden, IMO. Most who were/are enjoyed the two albums and likely followed his solo career. That's cool.

Then there seems to be a small segment (and I've encountered a few) who view Blaze in a god-like status. Almost like a cult. Blaze could do no wrong, nothing was ever his fault. If only Maiden downtuned and they did this or they did that or not play Bruce songs Maiden would be awesome and great and huge again....
What is the right way to go about it?

[..] bla bla bla [/..]

Is my opinion of Blaze Bayley right? You’re damn fucking right it is! Deal it
I'm dealing with it dude. I'm not rating it though.

Is my opinion of not rating this opinion right? You’re damn fucking right it is! Deal it
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