Favourite Spoken Intro

I'm partial to Manowar's Defender, but I suppose that doesn't count as an Iron Maiden song... sheesh, who made THAT rule? ;)

'Woe to you, that thing you do, for it is a human number... the number is 90210...' No, wait, that's totally wrong. But Number Of The Beast would get my vote...

...unless they somehow added Bruce's reciting of whatshisname's poem at the start of The Trooper 'Into the valley rode the six hundred'. That would be cool.
PolarisSLBM said:
I'm partial to Manowar's Defender, but I suppose that doesn't count as an Iron Maiden song... sheesh, who made THAT rule? ;)
The same guy who decided this forum be dedicated to Iron Maiden. ;)
Perun said:
I thought it was time somebody made this poll. It's an essential poll, you know. I haven't seen many polls like this. I thought this poll is very useful. I thought it was time somebody made this Pole. It's an essential Pole, you know. I haven't seen many Poles like this. I thought this Pole is very useful. I thought it was time somebody made this pole. It's an essential pole, you know. I haven't seen many poles like this. I thought this pole is very useful. I thought it was time somebody made this hole. It's an essential hole, you know. I haven't seen many holes like this. I thought this hole is very useful.

Oh, the pressure...

Perun, I noticed you did not vote for your favorite spoken into?  Since you did start this thread I was just curious?
Even though I have heard NOB so many times, as soon as that intro starts, "Woe to you..." the crowd just screams! It's a Maiden staple at every show. I'm just curious, but ever since 1982, have they NOT played that song on tour? It's that and Run To the Hills...if there's one tour when they didn't play that, I'd like to know. *hint hint, Forostar, with your plethora of knowledge!*  ;)

Maybe next year they can give it a rest  :lol:

Have H sing Wasted Years instead!  :blush: *Now that's an encore!*