Favorite line(s) from any IM song

I mean yeah you could interpret it like that and that’s completely valid, but to me it seems like more of a leap than “baking is wild” which works in the context just as well. I guess “baking as wild” would be be saying that “the car is [like] an oven and baking as wild[ly as an oven does]”, but in the other — widely accepted — version of the line, it’s two separate declarations that hinge together as one sentence. “The car is an oven“ (metaphor) “and baking is wild” (baking is taking place currently; aka, it’s hot as hell in this car).

You're probably right with your interpretation, it just never occurred to me to read the line this way. And I guess I'm not the only one, considering I've been reading complaints about the line for almost 20 years now. Which, I think, just means it's not a terribly well-written lyric.
Yeah definitely. I’ve never heard the phrase “baking is / as wild” before the Iron Maiden song. They got the idea they wanted to convey across, but in a simplistic fashion, honing into not the theme of the movie, but the plot for support. I still like the song, but it works best as a breath of fresh air (despite the lyrics being the opposite of that) before descending into the maelstrom of an album that is The X Factor.
The track is credited to Bayley/Gers after all, which explains a lot :) The lyrics were all Blaze's. Steve didn't bother to change anything.
You're probably right with your interpretation, it just never occurred to me to read the line this way. And I guess I'm not the only one, considering I've been reading complaints about the line for almost 20 years now. Which, I think, just means it's not a terribly well-written lyric.

Yeah, it's a bad line in general. I've heard Blaze use the word wild a few times in dialogue so it's either a Midlands colloquialism or maybe just a Blaze idiosyncrasy, but either way it's used in the song in a way that most of us would not use it and therefore to most of us it sounds weird.

You also have an issue whereby some people might not connect "baking" with "baking hot", so maybe some people, who never seen the movie, are interpreting the phrase to mean something along the lines of "baking cakes is bad ass!" :lol:
I think that's the general problem with the Man on the Edge lyrics. They go so far in terms of detail when trying to retell the film's premise that they don't make any sense if you haven't seen the film. Not to mention the very tortured "defence/presents" rhyme.
It doesn't bother me though, because the song is great otherwise and the lyrics don't really matter.
Yeah before I'd seen the movie, I thought the line about defence and presents was one of the worst lyrics of all time. After the movie, it's still a bad rhyme but at least makes sense.

I've never seen Apocalypse Now, so I'm hoping there's something about "they brought it up just like room service" in there, because if not, that's a pretty shit line too:lol: