Fat people

Suicidehummer said:
... well then...

Solve obesity? Do you mean "solve the obesity problem"?

And I agree with SMX, who says it's the government's job? It's our job to keep fit. Everybody tries to blame other people for their weight problems.

Also, we see McDonalds being forced to advertise an active lifestyle because they are advertising to kids. So what? Parents need to take responsibility for their fat and stupid kids instead of blaming McDonalds and their school systems.

Yes it's the parents' responsibility but the parents will listen to the goverments guidenlines on nutrition and the governments reccomendations are a load of crap.
Not all parents.  I'm a parent, and I have many friends who are.  I don't even know what the gov't recommendations are...  I feed my kids healthy meals.
Wasted CLV said:
Not all parents.  I'm a parent, and I have many friends who are.  I don't even know what the gov't recommendations are...  I feed my kids healthy meals.

Thats good to hear but in this country the governements reccomendations are everywhere and are on every food packet in every supermarket. They were even thinking about putting a tax on foods that are high in fat.
Babo 91 said:
... in this country the governements reccomendations are everywhere and are on every food packet in every supermarket. They were even thinking about putting a tax on foods that are high in fat.

What country is that?
char_da_harlot said:
Have you ever wondered why rice, bread, pasta, potatoes, beans, ground beef (not the 90% lean) and some fast foods are inexpensive?  It makes me mad.  Why?  Because when you don't have the money to buy the more healthier items like lean meats and fresh veggies and REAL fruit jucie and you have a family of 5 to feed your only option is to buy all the inexpensive items.  Those things last longer plus when that's all you have to spend, what else can you do?  I wonder if lean meats and all the good stuff for you were cheap and all the bad stuff was expensive if there would be a difference?  Ten bucks for a Big Mac meal?  The salads at Mickey dees cost more than a fat burger meal.  It's crazy when you start to think about it.  I always try and eat healthy but damn it's f***ing expensive!!!  Working out can be expensive as well.  Lets face it.....if your poor you will have poor health regardless if your fat or thin.  If you are rich you can pay someone to make you thin!  Money talks and Bullshit walks.  Just saying.

This is all true. However most people that point that out try to blame the government at the same time and I was expecting you to as I was reading that, lol.

Babo 91 said:
Yes it's the parents' responsibility but the parents will listen to the goverments guidenlines on nutrition and the governments reccomendations are a load of crap.

They are not robots. They have free will and there is plenty of information on the internet if they are too dumb to know what's healthy and what's not. Blaming the Government is stupid.
I admit that I don't always eat the healthiest, and yes, I have a bit of a pouch. That being said, I believe that there are people out there who inherit bad genes, and so they can't lose weight. It's impossible to lose weight if you have bad genetics, although some other people just eat junk food and make poor choices, and THEN blame it on genetics.

My mom is really overweight, and she struggles with self image issues. She won't step foot into a gym. I know until recently, I wouldn't take my shirt off in public, because I hated my beer belly. It's things like these that really lead to someone avoiding the gym, or being able to change their world.

Good discussion, though.
Glad this got resurrected. I've recently started biking to work... in 105 degree heat (Fahrenheit)... on a beach cruiser... 12.2 mile round trip. I've been going to the gym rather consistently for 7 months, but not until I started biking have a REALLY seen a difference. I've only done it for 12 days and my bear belly is already vanishing... fucking awesome. It doesn't get any easier, but it gets tolerable. As soon as I start thinking, "Screw this," the hard part is over. The ride is broken up into three stages. First third is flat, second third is uphill and the last third is downhill (reverse for trip back home.) My endurance has shot through the roof as evidenced by my lasting longer in our pick-up basketball games after a workout. So to all you fat asses out there, START MOVING!
Good topic.  To everyone who says exercise doesn't matter: shut up.  To everyone who says diet doesn't matter: shut up.  I've lost 45 pounds in three and a half months and I can tell you it takes a combination of healthy diet and exercise.
I've been running almost daily (with a vacation break) since the beginning of summer and according to my bathroom scale, I'm exactly the same weight. WTF?!
Remember, muscle is more dense, hence, carries more weight, than fat. Many times while excercising, you will lose fat, build muscle, and see little dif on the scale. You will notice that you are more slim.
Wasted CLV said:
Remember, muscle is more dense, hence, carries more weight, than fat. Many times while excercising, you will lose fat, build muscle, and see little dif on the scale. You will notice that you are more slim.

You're right, I forgot about that. I should have taken a picture before to compare because I haven't really noticed anything.
Yeah, I had been running on and off for a few weeks, then I started running almost every day. It took about a month before I started noticing any difference.
Does anybody know the best way to build muscle mass?

I used to be as skinny as a rail, but as I'm approaching 30, I'm starting to have my metabolism slow down. I wouldn't really consider myself as 'fat' yet, but chubby definitely.

I have a book called "Weight lifting for Dummies", or "The Beginner's Guide To Weight Lifting", or something like that. I don't have a clue about it, never lifted before. I've always been a bit of a nerd, and uncoordinated...never was really much for physical sports and the like. I prefer a good book or cd.