I reviewed the new Petrucci album here:
Gonna expand on the Portnoy stuff here because it’s more relevant here. I’m listening to Distance Over Time now and man, the difference is super stark. For one thing, I think D/T is one of their weakest albums, so it’s not a big surprise that Terminal Velocity is better, but it’s better in more than just the songs. The production is better (and not too Sneap-soundy), Petrucci’s playing is better, his tone is better, and, I hate to say it, the drums are better. I think the bring back Portnoy crowd is the most obnoxious segment of the fanbase, so I’m not going to go there, but there’s something to be said about Petrucci/Portnoy compared to Petrucci/Mangini. I believe Petrucci when he says he really likes playing with Mangini, but it definitely sounds different. He makes Petrucci play differently. I think Mangini actually fits Rudess’ style better, I tend to prefer the looser more rock feel that Petrucci and Portnoy bring. I guess what I’m saying is that Rudess and Petrucci bring two different flavors to the band, which is why that lineup works so well, but the drummer really acts a mediator there and maybe Mangini pulls it a little too far to the mathematical Rudess side. The balance just isn’t quite there.
Also, Petrucci has never gotten a good drum sound with Mangini in the band. Portnoy’s drums on Terminal Velocity sound better than any of the Mangini albums and they always sounded good in Dream Theater. Obviously Petrucci didn’t mix his solo album, so maybe it’s a coincidence, I’m also sure Mangini’s drum setup makes him hard to mix, but I really wonder the the deal is there. They just sound so lifeless on Distance Over Time.
Curious to see where Dream Theater goes next. Hope Terminal Velocity has energized and inspired Petrucci a bit more. I always felt like Distance Over Time felt a little defeated after The Astonishing went down like a lead balloon.
edit side note: Distance Over Time has the best album cover since Octavarium.