Do you suffer from iTunes-ADD? (aka. my irrational music pet-peeve)

I'm only lugging around 10 gb of music with me.  The rest of my iPod has movies and podcasts on it, but a big freaking chunk is empty.
LooseCannon said:
I'm only lugging around 10 gb of music with me.  The rest of my iPod has movies and podcasts on it, but a big freaking chunk is empty.

You actually watch movies in that tiny screen?! I have a 30GB Photo near capacity with 4449 songs. I'm considering getting it a larger hard drive rather than spend on a new ipod all together. Might be same price, however I refuse to buy one with video capabilities when I don't need/want it.
Well, you could always put your Maiden videos on it. ;)  I've sometimes wished I could watch Rock in Rio on the bus...
Invader said:
Well, you could always put your Maiden videos on it. ;)  I've sometimes wished I could watch Rock in Rio on the bus... people can help you out when you start fitting?
Onhell said:
You actually watch movies in that tiny screen?! I have a 30GB Photo near capacity with 4449 songs. I'm considering getting it a larger hard drive rather than spend on a new ipod all together. Might be same price, however I refuse to buy one with video capabilities when I don't need/want it.

Yes, I do, and it works quite well.  I have no vision problems unlike you, my blind Mexican friend.
Yes, my daughter suffers from music- ADD.  Drives me nuts.  I think I need medication!  But not glasses. :(  I too watch movies/ TV shows on my Ipod.  I love it!
Nice signature char!  :ok:


Is that your #1 Maiden song too? Quite a few people in here have it on their lists, and I'm one of them  :ok:
Yes, PG Paschendale is my favorite song at the moment.  I like your signature.  Scream for me Long Beach/tell the world of paschen.....and your love for H is admired.  I love him to!
I usually listen to albums. The way that the tracks weave together adds depth to the listening experience. Although, sometimes I will start a couple albums before settling on the one I want... "Hmmm... I guess I don't really feel like listening to Mission of Burma. Small Brown Bike? Nah... Hot Cross? Ah, okay."