Dedicated To Chaos, Queensryche's new album

Because of all the dislikes for Wot We Do on youtube, rating has been disabled. Also, comments have to be approved and only positive ones are allowed. :lol:
Also, I love that pic NP and couldn't agree more! :lol:
Travis The Dragon said:
Because of all the dislikes for Wot We Do on youtube, rating has been disabled. Also, comments have to be approved and only positive ones are allowed.
One of the comments:

Hands down - Best Queensrÿche song ever! Yes, ever!

Mosh said:
What, did you like the song? :P

OK, time to reveal myself: It's my 15th best Queensryche song.

I hope you people understand it's a matter of opinion here...

I really like Geoff's interpretation, also, the melody is really good.
OK, I personally despise it, but it's your opinion, and who am I to stop you from liking it ?
It thought you would be more like: "What the hell is this guy smoking?" or "CRUCIFY HIM!!!", but thank you for understanding.
Black Thunder said:
It thought you would be more like: "What the hell is this guy smoking?" or "CRUCIFY HIM!!!", but thank you for understanding.
Nah, that's when someone disses Paschendale,  Isle of Avalon or in my case Jerusalem :S. Basically 90% of the blasphemy thread.
Night Prowler said:

Just kidding :bigsmile:


I'm actually really good when it comes to "disappointing"  :innocent: :lol:

Mosh said:
Nah, that's when someone disses Paschendale, or Isle of Avalon or basically 90% of the blasphemy thread.

That's a cardinal sin, mate.

There's no chance saving those people... ... mID=160354

YES!!! I love it!!! I was a bit worried that the album might sell around 15,000 in the first week. I'm so glad to see that for sure!!! :lol: I really hope this will wake them up a bit! Or better yet, they'll completely quit as a band forever, but I don't think that's going to happen either since they've already started writing material for a new album. Oh well. My day has been made in seeing this! :yey:
I decided I don't care anymore. I don't like anything they did after Promised land so they can continue to produce shit and I'll just enjoy Warning.