Well I'd take CC cover over this any day:

I don't think you should necessarily avoid them. While I'm not privy to that type of music, I know lots of people who like it, and they're perfectly normal. They always say they feel rejuvenated after listening to bands like Cannibal Corpse, as if they released all their rage and all their demons through listening to CC.
But I understand if you give their music a shot and dislike it. I personally find it difficult to sit through guttural vocals hard as I try, but I can see why that type of music is necessary.
I'm kind of surprised you guys are most offended by the CC cover. I personally found the Boned and the Wally artwork far worse.![]()
But does that level of extreme metal provide significantly more cathartic benefit than, say, thrash metal (I've heard a few Slayer songs, and I'm pretty sure they're my upper limit, though I know of some Slayer songs that I'm not too sure about)?
I'm saying that there are different covers that are worse. For instance, I find these covers far worse than DOD's:
The problem is that MAYBE the covers Boned,Unurakum are made like this ( im pretty sure) for fun,the cover of canival corpse is this,a canival corpse cover.BUT Dance of death cover is made trying to be serious! and for me is close to the unurakum cover.
Okay, you're saying this album cover is bad because it's CGI trying to be serious. I just posted album covers of a 1) a guitar neck popping out of a guy's pants, 2) a corpse giving head to another corpse, 3) an album called It's Me, Mum! with a guy smiling and waving (presumably to his mum), and 4) a random drawing that was either created on Paint or hand-drawn by a two-year-old, and you're saying that bad CGI is worse than those because they're trying to be serious?
Intention or not, you cannot possibly believe that DOD's album art is worse than those. Look at those pictures and then look at DOD's. DOD's is clearly the best of the five, and it's not even a competition.
I don't understand your argument that "[Cannibal] [C]orpse is ... a [Cannibal] [C]orpse cover." Your original claim was that DOD's album cover was the worst album art ever. I presented one that was clearly worse, and you're saying that it doesn't count because it's CC. That's silly.
Now if you meant it was Maiden's worst album art, sure, I can be on board with that. It's not my favorite album art in the world. But clearly it's not the worst album art in all of music.
Boned was a joke. The last one not so much. But whether they're jokes or not, they're still terrible and not funny.
I'm not asking about their fans. I'm asking if you personally believe the CC cover is better than the DOD cover.
Yeah, that was pretty alarming. I question the value of that kind of music.
I've heard that there more incredibly awful album covers on Black Metal & Death Metal scene. Including corpses (real ones), cut, torn apart body parts and stuff. Like I've said, I'm trying my best to avoid them.
I'm not a big fan of Cannibal Corpse or old-school death metal in general (except for Bolt Thrower, who are bloody amazing), but I would urge you to at least give the music a good listen before you completely make a judgement about it. It took me several years to get into extreme metal, but now I prefer it to a lot of 'classic' stuff.
If you ask me, the most disgusting metal covers out there are Metallica's Load and ReLoad ones. Urine, blood and sperm... seriously?![]()
Avoid the album covers or the music in general?
I try to avoid the covers, not the music itself. Though the covers gave me a hard time when I was trying to discover their stuff.
I hated their music too, so yeah, I don't give a damn about CC.![]()
I'd say that Slayer is a great band to start with.I may yet do that at some point, the first step would probably be to see if Slayer is a band that I would like to listen to. I'm not sure if it counts as extreme metal, I think some would say that the extreme end of thrash counts and some wouldn't.
I may yet do that at some point, the first step would probably be to see if Slayer is a band that I would like to listen to. I'm not sure if it counts as extreme metal, I think some would say that the extreme end of thrash counts and some wouldn't.
But see, you're saying all this stuff that really does not affect the quality of an album cover.
Here, I'll use an analogy. Let's say I said Age of Innocence was the worst song ever. And you said, "No, there are worse songs," and posted a Flo Rida song. And I said, "Well, I expect Flo Rida to have bad songs, so it doesn't count. Age of Innocence is from a band that usually has masterpieces. Age of Innocence is the worst song ever."
I'm not being fair, am I?
That's essentially what you're doing with DOD's album cover. You're admitting that yes, the other album covers are worse, but you're affording those excuses (they're trying to be bad, that's what you would expect from that group, etc) and you're ignoring the fact that those album covers ARE worse. So yes, your statement was greatly exaggerated and by your admission untrue.
So what you really want to say is that it's the worst Iron Maiden album art. And that's fine. I kind of agree. It's definitely down there with No Prayer and TFF.
Just like in my analogy, what I really mean is that Age of Innocence is the worst Iron Maiden song.
(That's a hypothetical. I'm not really sure what I consider the worst Iron Maiden song.)
I think a lot of the negative opinions of the album are shaped by the cover art.Please post me a cover where there are some (put a word,i dont find the correct) figures,and a dwarf? riding a cut-paste dog ( he is in the midle).i tell you ,and its true that in 2003 when the album was ready to be on the stores,the people in internet,and some webs said that the cover was a fake! a joke of the band and the real cover was the background( the background could be and amazing cover!).