Can't access any thread once logged in


Ancient Mariner
Hey everyone,

Every once in a while I'll get an issue where I can't connect to the website at all. Usually lasts for the better part of a day. Then, once the website is back, I can log in, but I can't access any thread. That's what's currently happening for me.

When I'm logged out I can go to the threads and see new posts, but when I'm logged in I get an error page (tried to attach a picture, but that threw an error as well). The error page simply states: "
Oops! We ran into some problems. A server error occurred. Please try again later."

I've been traveling a lot the last few weeks, so my IP address changed, could it be a cyber protection measure from the website?

I'm not even sure if this thread will be posted in the first place and ironically enough I won't be able to respond to anything, but I hope I can at least read some responses when logged out. Hopefully I didn't forget anything relevant to the situation. I've tried multiple devices and multiple browsers as well, for what it's worth.
Hi Vaenyr,

I believe this is likely related to the ongoing site issues. I want to apologize on behalf of the site, but we have let Jon know and he is looking into it.
Huh, the thread went through. When I tried submitting there was endless loading and then I couldn't connect to the site anymore, so I thought the thread creation was aborted.

No worries, it's not urgent. I was wondering if it was an issue on my end or a general problem, but it seems to be the latter.

Fingers crossed that the issues can be resolved without too much hassle.
You posted in Help which goes through approval queues, and the approval queue is also broken. It took me a few attempts to get your post approved.