Bruce Dickinson Solovivor 2024: FINALS - Round 7

Vote for your LEAST favorite songs!

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Eliminated after Round 19:
Eternal - 14 votes
Soul Intruders - 10 votes
The 4 promoted songs from TOS were expected and I guess logical, but - I thought Soul Intruders was more liked (a classic for me), while Eternal is a special song.


Chemical Wedding
Rain On The Graves - very fun song (the chorus was needed for that) and I enjoy it, but it's my least favorite on the album. I like that Bruce does something a bit different (mainly the verses), but for me this would be the perfect bonus song.
Resurrection Men - I like the song, but it's such a missed opportunity not to have a (longer) solo on it. It kind of spoils the song.

There are other songs on TMP with no solos (or really short instrumental parts), but I like their main ideas and the album really connected with me. The strongest aspect are the vocal ideas that carry so much emotion. Like The Alchemist's chorus for example.
Rain on the Graves really isn't a favourite, is it?
I guess because of its different style for Bruce. I think the album would still have been more experimental even without it.
I don't dislike Rain on the Graves, but it is kind of the watered down blues rock sound that I always feared Maiden would morph into as they got older.
Why? Only Writing On The Wall kind of fits that.
I’m really, really surprised to see “Mistress of Mercy” leading the votes right now. That song cooks, idk what y’all are on about. “Sonata” also doesn’t deserve the votes, cool song with an awesome chorus.
Agreed about Mistress. It's one of the fastest songs on the album, maybe not the most exciting and impactful ones, but a very effective rocker. The chorus (especially with the melody under it) really lifted it up. Much better than Freak or Headswitch.

As for Sonata, it made an impression on me from my first listen, and again it brings emotion, but I'm not surprised by the amount of votes since it's 10 minutes long with no tempo changes. The chorus is indeed impactful. Speaking of which, Wounds has one of the biggest hooks on the album for me - and look at the amount of votes. Yeah, I prefer a proper solo, but the song is such a gem.
Speaking of which, Wounds has one of the biggest hooks on the album for me - and look at the amount of votes. Yeah, I prefer a proper solo, but the song is such a gem.
I think the hook is great but it gets played out fairly fast. In spite of the inventive instrumental section, I do think they ran out of ideas for this one. It’s good, but I wish there was more meat on its bones. Probably won’t vote for it yet, though, but we’ll see. I listened through the album once today but I need to do it one more time to double check my thoughts on it.
I think the hook is great but it gets played out fairly fast. In spite of the inventive instrumental section, I do think they ran out of ideas for this one. It’s good, but I wish there was more meat on its bones.
I like that the song doesn't have a pre-chorus, same with Days Of Future Past. This works for some songs. Ironically, the shortest song on the album has one of the longest instrumental sections. About it, yeah, I think they just wanted to make the song more interesting. There was an interview with Roy in which he said he really wanted Bruce to add this song to the album - as he wasn't sure and was surprised it was so short.
Face In The Mirror has one of the most boring Dickinson choruses ever by the way.
I like it.
I’m really, really surprised to see “Mistress of Mercy” leading the votes right now. That song cooks, idk what y’all are on about. “Sonata” also doesn’t deserve the votes, cool song with an awesome chorus.
The chorus for MoM is fantastic. The rest, especially the self-plagiarism, not so much.

Sonata is just a boring and over-long mess.
I'm okay with Sonata. It works as a melancholy end to the tale. It just doesn't match up with some of Bruce's other work.

It doesn't help that it comes after another low-key track on the album too.
I'm okay with Sonata. It works as a melancholy end to the tale. It just doesn't match up with some of Bruce's other work.
It doesn't help that it comes after another low-key track on the album too.
For Sonata, yeah. Edit: Shadow Of The Gods is one of the best songs on the album.
The last songs create a unique and memorable mood (and that really fits the album after the previous songs and for the themes/concepts), but 3 slow songs at the end of the album with the only change of pace the middle part of Shadow Of The Gods is not the best decision, especially when you listen to the whole album (like Bruce said it is the best, iirc) and because one of the songs is 10 minutes (although probably one of his best vibes) with no variation. Maiden's last 3 albums have the same approach more or less, but the dynamics are much better.

Btw, he said that Shadow is probably the better album closer.
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The 4 promoted songs from TOS were expected and I guess logical, but - I thought Soul Intruders was more liked (a classic for me)
I think River is easily in the top 4 from the album, but Soul Intruders would be #5 for me. Honestly, other than the chorus, the title track is not great.
Many Doors to Hell
Rain on the Graves
Resurrection Men
Mistress of Mercy
Face in the Mirror

Every song on The Mandrake Project falls short of greatness. The best tracks (Shadow of the Gods, Eternity Has Failed) are pretty good, but neither is perfect and both feel a little flat.

I'm giving Ragnarok a pass because it's mostly really cool, the riffing is great, and it's very powerful (even if the vocals on the pre-chorus are possibly the worst moment on the album from any song not titled "Sonata"). The pre-chorus in Many Doors to Hell is almost as terrible, too.

Fingers In the Wound has no glaring flaws, it just feels like an upper-mid Bruce track. It's fine and solid and enjoyable.

Rain on the Graves is probably the 5th best song on the album, but deserves a vote simply because it's still 1 million times worse than anything on The Chemical Wedding.
I think River is easily in the top 4 from the album, but Soul Intruders would be #5 for me. Honestly, other than the chorus, the title track is not great.
All songs but one are so good. I love the vibe of the title track, Roy's solo, the heavy part with the vocals and ofc the chorus.
I think it's a good song but there is a bit of missed potential. "Shadow of the Gods" takes a somewhat similar structure and executes it much stronger.
Both are great for me. For A Tyranny Of Souls, I would have loved a longer harmony. For Shadow, another repetition of the chorus and a proper solo.
Rain on the Graves is probably the 5th best song on the album
A high score for it.
Every song on The Mandrake Project falls short of greatness.
The songs with a finished structure are: Many Doors, Rain, Eternity, Mirror, Sonata and maybe Wounds and Mistress.
Best songs are imo: Ragnarok, Many Doors, Wounds, Eternity and Shadow.
Afterglow of Ragnarok - A chilling, earthy reïntroduction of Roy Z's downtuned, guttural guitars as memories of the past flash before our eyes - then the axeman kicks into a groove as Bruce Dickinson reëmerges from his immortal slumber as the solo machine starts rolling again. Yes, he's a little older and a little rougher around the edges, but make no mistake: the spark is still there. "Afterglow" has an incredible chorus that immediately brings us right back to the same magical place from which the singer once carved a name for himself outside of the Maiden camp. Sure, it's no Chemical Wedding, but it still sounds like the man is having fun coming up with new ideas and belting them out for all the world to hear. Some of the high notes sound more strained, particularly in the pre-chorus, but overall this is a killer reëntry into Bruce's solo career.

Many Doors to Hell - The party continues with one of Roy's coolest fucking riffs. There are a lot of awesome riffs in Bruce's solo work, but I just cannot get this one out of my head. The rest of the song is just fun, fun, fun. Bruce says it's about a vampire but there are plenty of lines in here that could tie into his Lazarus/Necropolis plotline. Rhyming "leave us" with "grievous" is one of the cheesiest things he's ever done. I dig it!

Rain on the Graves - Ever since this single dropped my feelings on it have continued to fluctuate. I think those almost spoken verses are pretty cool, the chorus is fun if repetitive, the double-tracked solo is pretty sweet, good groove throughout as well. But I also think this is one of the album's least interesting tracks overall. When it came out I almost thought it was more interesting than "Afterglow", but perhaps that had more to do with a much better music video. Overall it's good, but the album had better material waiting for us. Vote.

Resurrection Men - Really interesting track with all those spaghetti western motifs. Love Bruce's use of the bongos for extra texture. The verse is a bit odd but it doesn't really phase me. Love the chorus! The change-up into the stomping, Sabbathy groove is odd even though I enjoy the section itself. "Some sayyyy we rob graves - in truth, we DIG." Bars fr. I don't think the song quite returns to the same heights it had previously, though. The vast majority of it is strong, but the structure holds it back a bit. Vote.

Fingers in the Wounds - A good song. The hook is pretty cool although it's repeated a bit much for the short runtime. Love the inventive instrumental. I just think this one doesn't quite go far enough for me to be fully satisfied. Vote.

Eternity Has Failed - Let's start with the negatives: "If Eternity Should Fail" felt more complete despite Bruce having 10-some years to perfect this one. I really like the second verse section of the original. Beyond that, though, this is a really cool reïnvention of a song that's become one of latter day Maiden's most popular. The slower pace lets it rumble more, the flute intro is a nice touch, but including a guitar solo in the instrumental really transforms this one. Some tasty playing from Roy here. Good shit.

Mistress of Mercy - A dark, brooding intro giving way to a fiery riff and verse. This track is super underrated. That chorus is probably the best one on the album. Love the shifts in pace throughout. Lyrically this is an ode to music, although I can see some parallels with the album's main concept. The chorus lyrics are terrific, by the way: "Far from the old ways - Sleepers all awake. Lost in the harmony... the majesty... the ecstasy." Fucking brilliant. One of those lines I wish I'd written myself.

Face in the Mirror - A pretty cool acoustic/piano ballad with a simple but effective chorus. One of the less-good songs on the album but I've really come to enjoy it with time. Vote.

Shadow of the Gods - Best song on the album, I think. Not perfect, but really strong throughout. I love how it starts quietly, grows in bombast, changes gears completely and turns into a raging metal number, before wrapping up in rapturous fashion. Some more great lyrics from Bruce even though I really don't know what the hell he's singing about. But a moment like, "One drop creates the light... one drop - will fill the night!" Awesome. This song is the sleeper hit, I feel. Don't pass this one over.

Sonata (Immortal Beloved) - Definitely the record's most controversial track, but I think it's super interesting and overall a really good song. Yeah, you can tell that the majority of it is Bruce just making shit up as he goes along. It has a lot of cohesion though. Compare this to the snoozefest that was "Midnight Jam", it's kind of insane that both tracks were born from similar circumstances. The chorus is an absolute belter. The biggest thing for me though is all the textural stuff that Roy is throwing in. Some really tasty guitarwork especially at the end, proving he's still got it. I dunno, I think this one gets more hate than it deserves. It's a unique track and holds together quite well.

Overall, The Mandrake Project is a really strong return to Bruce's solo career and while it has its issues (I'm still not the biggest fan of the production), Bruce himself seems energized by it and Roy has a lot of good moments throughout. Not perfect, but a nice return and I hope to see more from the man/men in future.

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And here are my final rankings of each of the albums now that we've gone through them all:
  1. The Chemical Wedding (1998) - My favorite album from any artist. A rich tapestry of renaissance metal that more than proved that Bruce had a voice outside Maiden.
  2. Accident of Birth (1997) - A top 10 album for me. Every song is just brilliant, the perfect thing to revitalize Bruce's career.
  3. Tyranny of Souls (2005) - Can't really touch the two albums that came before it, but despite being a bit of a throwaway release between Maiden albums, the songs are all awesome and Bruce sounds great.
  4. Skunkworks (1996) - Bruce tries his hand at alt rock and the result is really strong. Don't let people tell you otherwise. The best stuff on here rivals anything he's ever done.
  5. The Mandrake Project (2024) - Doesn't reach the same heights as my top 4, but is a pretty consistent record that never reaches the lows of my bottom 2. The best material makes you remember why you fell in love with Bruce Dickinson, the solo act, to begin with.
  6. Balls to Picasso (1994) - A more serious stab at making music than Tattooed Millionaire and it's got some killer tracks, but not all of it comes together and there are a few missteps along the way. Very cool history though and a good chunk of the bonus tracks are worth your time.
  7. Tattooed Millionaire (1990) - A silly throwaway release that's really fun but also really dumb. I enjoy spinning it from time to time, but the difference between this and where he would end up going later is just night and day.
Had a lot of fun going through this as part of the game and I hope you guys have too! Definitely looking forward to the finale, I genuinely have no idea how the Top 10 is gonna turn out. This game has surprised me more than once.
"Afterglow" has an incredible chorus that immediately brings us right back to the same magical place from which the singer once carved a name for himself outside of the Maiden camp..
Ragnarok's chorus and riff are definitely big highlights.
Many Doors to Hell - The party continues with one of Roy's coolest fucking riffs. There are a lot of awesome riffs in Bruce's solo work, but I just cannot get this one out of my head. The rest of the song is just fun, fun, fun. Bruce says it's about a vampire but there are plenty of lines in here that could tie into his Lazarus/Necropolis plotline.
Many Doors is one of Bruce's catchiest songs. I like what they wrote with Roy last year. And yeah, connection with the lyrics and the comics concept can be made with every song.
Eternity Has Failed - Let's start with the negatives: "If Eternity Should Fail" felt more complete despite Bruce having 10-some years to perfect this one. I really like the second verse section of the original. Beyond that, though, this is a really cool reïnvention of a song that's become one of latter day Maiden's most popular. The slower pace lets it rumble more, the flute intro is a nice touch, but including a guitar solo in the instrumental really transforms this one. Some tasty playing from Roy here. Good shit.
The song is probably better with the second verse, but I think the solos completed it (like almost every (Maiden) song). Great instrumental section. Maiden's version feels rather fine even without them, but imagine what they would have done...
Mistress of Mercy - That chorus is probably the best one on the album.
Bruce really saved the album with all of the choruses. Mistress Of Mercy one is so cool.
But a moment like, "One drop creates the light... one drop - will fill the night!" Awesome.
Sonata (Immortal Beloved) - Definitely the record's most controversial track, but I think it's super interesting and overall a really good song. Yeah, you can tell that the majority of it is Bruce just making shit up as he goes along. It has a lot of cohesion though. Compare this to the snoozefest that was "Midnight Jam", it's kind of insane that both tracks were born from similar circumstances. The chorus is an absolute belter. The biggest thing for me though is all the textural stuff that Roy is throwing in. Some really tasty guitarwork especially at the end, proving he's still got it. I dunno, I think this one gets more hate than it deserves. It's a unique track and holds together quite well.
-> Overall, The Mandrake Project is a really strong return to Bruce's solo career and while it has its issues (I'm still not the biggest fan of the production), Bruce himself seems energized by it and Roy has a lot of good moments throughout. Not perfect, but a nice return and I hope to see more from the man/men in future.
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The song is probably better with the second verse, but I think the solos completed it. Great instrumental section. Imagine what Maiden's one would have been....
I’m fine without it. I like that we have two versions that offer different interpretations of the instrumental. Maiden’s feels like a romp through volcanic, arcane ground. The guitars spin around each other as the bass rumbles away and the drums thunder like quaking earth. I don’t need a solo there, especially because once the next track kicks in, there are plenty of solos to be found through the rest of the album.
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Eliminated after Round 20:
Sonata (Immortal Beloved) - 14 votes
Face in the Mirror - 13 votes
Rain on the Graves - 12 votes
Mistress of Mercy - 12 votes
Hopefully our last round before the finals. Voting for:
  • Resurrection Men
  • Fingers in the Wounds