Brave New World: Favourite Song

Which one is your favourite song?

  • The Wicker Man

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • Ghost Of The Navigator

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • Brave New World

    Votes: 5 12.2%
  • Blood Brothers

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • The Mercenary

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dream Of Mirrors

    Votes: 8 19.5%
  • The Fallen Angel

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • The Nomad

    Votes: 8 19.5%
  • Out Of The Silent Planet

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • The Thin Line Between Love And Hate

    Votes: 3 7.3%

  • Total voters
In other threads I had put Blood Brothers.  When I first started listening to the album it was probably The Thin Line Between Love and Hate.  Now I cannot choose between Brave New World, The Nomad, and Ghost of the Navigator, which I enjoy much more now than when I first heard it.  Since The Nomad has the least votes, I'll vote for it.
bloody easy that one : Nomad

well, I don't like the lyrics, but the music is AWESOME, enough good for this vote

ps : hi there Genghis Khan !! it's been a while  B)
Tough choice, the album is even in quality. After I bought it I liked the first four songs more than the rest, but after some listens I also came to enjoy the rest of them (The Mercenary and The Fallen Angel just a little less than the others, still good songs).

The Wicker Man is a perfect opener, I think, but it's not a standout track on this album. For me, it is a choice between tracks 2, 4 and 6. Ghost of the navigator, Blood Brothers and Dream of Mirrors are all songs with great lyrics, great melodies and great solos. Damnit, I can't give a reasoned choice. I'll have to pick a random song out of these three. *Looking up a random even-numbered page in the book I'm reading* I'll go for the song which corresponds to the last digit in the page number.

Page 364? OK, then "Blood Brothers" gets my vote  :)
Pinky Maidenfan said:
Da Wicker man FTW!!!


Perhaps your leet-speak is considered acceptable in other quarters. Or perhaps you thought that was funny. But - it ain't.

We here at Maidenfans do not lack a sense of humor. You can see it here every day. In fact, at least 90% of what I post is inane drivel nowadays. But when you're talking about Iron Maiden in a serious manner, use the correct song title please. Otherwise, it makes you look like a fool.

And, to present another point of view:

You were criticized by LooseCannon yesterday for not explaining your choices in the polls. You were criticized by me today for intentional misspellings of song titles. You may be starting to think that the people here are meanspirited. I assure you that is not the case. I do not hold your transgression against you. I look forward to your future posts, because you are at least trying to participate here in a meaningful way. Just be more careful in the future, please.

And Perun, you forgot:
Fry That Waffle
Fondling The Women
Flying To Warsaw
Fifteen Twisted Wizards
Faster Than Weasels
SinisterMinisterX said:
In fact, at least 90% of what I post is inane drivel nowadays.

Nowadays?  Compared to back when we were posting fifteen Adrian Smith statements in every thread known to Mav?
No - compared to when I first joined this forum, a distant time when I typically posted well-crafted paragraphs about music.

By the way, the reason that I rarely post in the Adrian Smith Statements thread is that I regard that thread to be for the use of amateurs. LooseCannon, Perun and myself are professional Adrian Smith worshippers. We don't post our brilliance as often as we used to, but when we do it is of the highest quality.
You still make finely crafted paragraphs about the structure and evolution of music, my friend.  It's just that you don't need to prove yourself to us anymore!
Adrian Smith structured music.
Adrian Smith is finely crafted.
Adrian Smith was manufactured in West Germany.
Adrian Smith is to the world what Fair Trade is to coffee.
I don't know anything about the relationship between Fair Trade and coffee. Thus Perun has now enlightened me, as I do understand Adrian Smith vs. The World.

Adrian Smith is the wind that blows through the trees on a warm summer night.
Adrian Smith wrote three textbooks about differential equations.
Adrian Smith drinks five pints of ale every time he writes a new song.
Adrian Smith can initiate volcanic eruptions with but a thought.
Adrian Smith invented the picnic table.
Adrian Smith is an optical illusion.
Adrian Smith comes equipped with Shock Feedback.
Adrian Smith was designed to be modular for constant improvement.
Adrian Smith is a better pilot than Bruce Dickinson.
Adrian Smith is a better pilot than Nicko McBrain.
Adrian Smith once did an inverted 4G dive with a MiG 21 and has the Polaroid to prove it.
Adrian Smith is immune to all poison.
Adrian Smith can press R or Z twice to do a barrel roll.
Adrian Smith taught Kiss how to rock and roll all night and party every day.
Adrian Smith's intense brainwaves can cause interference with shortwave radio broadcasts.
Adrian Smith has never had a cold.
When Adrian Smith laughs, babies around the world smile.
Adrian Smith can be seen in the background of the first movie ever made, playing an old beat-up acoustic guitar.
Adrian Smith is the only being who can successfully compare apples and oranges.
Adrian Smith is responsible for continental drift.
Adrian Smith can do the infamous eleven-key Atari shortcut.
Adrian Smith dines in hell.
It is impossible to spell "Adrian Smith" correctly, because Adrian Smith's brilliance can not be accurately represented in any alphabet.
Adrian Smith is the key master.
Adrian Smith rocks the cradle.
Adrian Smith's presence is considered an addictive drug by most countries.
Adrian Smith makes animals out of balloons by twisting them.  He can also do the same with skyscrapers.
Adrian Smith once cleared out a gig by playing The Ultimate Riff.  You cannot comprehend Adrian Smith's The Ultimate Riff.
Similarly, Adrian Smith is an important part of Stephen Hawking's theoretical calculations on rifts in space-time.  It's theoretical because Adrian Smith won't participate in the experiments.  No guitars are allowed.
It's true what they say - there is no sound in space.  Except for Adrian Smith.
Most laymen do not correctly understand Einstein's Theory of Relativity, which actually states that all motion is relative to Adrian Smith.
Adrian Smith is the "ane" in methane, propane, butane and Jefferson Airplane.
Adrian Smith can easily perform the underwater escape that killed Houdini.
Adrian Smith tap dances on the rings of Saturn.
Adrian Smith is the guy who names every hurricane.
SinisterMinisterX said:
I don't know anything about the relationship between Fair Trade and coffee. Thus Perun has now enlightened me, as I do understand Adrian Smith vs. The World.

Adrian Smith is the wind that blows through the trees on a warm summer night.
Adrian Smith wrote three textbooks about differential equations.
Adrian Smith drinks five pints of ale every time he writes a new song.
Adrian Smith can initiate volcanic eruptions with but a thought.
Adrian Smith invented the picnic table.
Adrian Smith is an optical illusion.

Does Adrian Smith also drink five pints of ale for each chapter he writes about differential equations?
Have the other members of Iron Maiden read these textbooks, or are they written in a manner that only a genious like Adrian Smith (almost like Adrian Smith, of course) can fully comprehend it?

The wind that blows, inspires me to come with an Adrian Smith statement. No, two. But they are connected.

Adrian Smith is the piper at the gates of dawn, his guitar can take the shape of anything He likes. Including pipes.
Adrian Smith is calling you his way.
Adrian Smith puts the caramel in the Caramilk bars.
Adrian Smith always picks winning lottery tickets.
Adrian Smith is the only known being who can swim in lava.
Adrian Smith can use guitar subharmonics to locate fossils in ancient rock strata.
Adrian Smith is the translator at the U.N.  He translates all languages into all other languages.  Flawlessly.  Simultaneously.
Adrian Smith is the only Englishman that knows what a Caramilk bar is.