Best Band

Eddie's Lil Helper

Ancient Mariner
List most uncommon under rated band you think there is who deserves I go

Scar Semetry.......

Reason: If you like OPETH you will love them, heave with death growls and clean vox ::
Well, I like The Showdown, but they aren't even close to being the best obscure band around. [img src=\"style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/tongue.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\":P\" border=\"0\" alt=\"tongue.gif\" /]

I'm not really sure how to describe them. Metal is fine, I guess. They have those death growls and clean vocals as well.
Dark Tranquillity. If you like In Flames, get them. If you like Melodic Death metal in general, get them. Mikael Stanne is (in my opinion) the best death metal vocalist of the 90's-he has a brilliant accent and inflection which he adds onto every line. The lyrics are wonderfully written for the most part, perfectly coherent and intelligble and expertly sung. The music is a perfect mix of both guitarists and the keyboardist, with different members taking preference and leads at different times. Anders Jivarp's drumming is no joke, either-he may not be Neil Peart, but he puts in some nice fills and rhythms. I would suggest going for the 1995 masterpiece 'The Gallery', or possibly their 2005 opus 'Character', while 2002's 'Damage Done' is a wonderful display of aggression and melody (although most of the songs stick to one basic formula, so it's more for fans). For something more accessible, try 'Haven' (which utilises clean vocals, but not to the extent of 'Projector', their most experimental work). Get them now!!!
Dark Tranquillity. (blah blah blah) Get them now!!!
They aren't exactly obscure Silky ;)

I am not into any of the "extreme" genres so I can't recommend any obscure artists.  The least well known of the bands I listen to would probably be the thrash band "Holy Terror". Very underrated  :mellow:
Hm... Conor brings up a good point about the "extreme" genres of metal. Bands like Esoteric, Disembowelment, Xasthur, Khanate, Thergothon and Skepticism appeal to a very small but dedicated audience so it's hard to say.

As for an addition to the list, I would add Absurd Existence. An excellent German death/doom metal band who had only released one album named Angelwings. If you're into the likes of My Dying Bride, Novembers Doom and Opeth, I'd say you'd like it. [img src=\"style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/wink.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\";)\" border=\"0\" alt=\"wink.gif\" /]

Another addition would be Symbyosis. A technical death metal group hailing from France. Most bands in this genre just emulate Suffocation's sound but these guys have their own sound with plenty of atmospheric parts and memorable solos (rather than most of these bands that just use guitar noodling to show off). If you're looking for some modern death metal that isn't total garbage, pick up Crisis. [img src=\"style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/wink.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\";)\" border=\"0\" alt=\"wink.gif\" /] In fact, it's not just TDM that's bland these days, there's also that moronic slam death metal codswallop like Dying Fetus and "br00taly sIcK" goregrind crap like Skinless and Devourment.
Conor said:
They aren't exactly obscure Silky

You'd be surprised how few people I know that listen to Arch Enemy and In Flames have actually heard of DT, even though they're superior to both those bands.  And 'obscure' is a very subjective term-obscure for casual metallers who listen to the older stuff such as Maiden and Priest, or obscure for people like Black Dragon? :p
Silky said:
You'd be surprised how few people I know that listen to Arch Enemy and In Flames have actually heard of DT

Didn't you say that the HMV in your area has an extremely poor metal selection? That pretty much explains the fact on how so few people over there know of DT. Maybe you could ask them do they know of Immolation, Pestilence, Gorguts or Atheist? :biggrin:
Black Dragon said:
Didn't you say that the HMV in your area has an extremely poor metal selection? That pretty much explains the fact on how so few people over there know of DT. Maybe you could ask them do they know of Immolation, Pestilence, Gorguts or Atheist? :biggrin:
HMV is absolute rubbish in the first place.  Their "metal" section comprises of "Teenage Metal", as I like to call it.  Fear Factory, Cradle of Filth, Pantera, (nu)Metallica, In Flames, Arch Enemy, Children of Bodom etc...  No tr00 metal fan would ever be seen dead in one of those stores -_-
In a larger HMV store you can find good bands such as Limbonic Art, Windir, Borknagar, Destroyer 666 and Pig Destroyer. ;) It's not all bad, but I do prefer other stores as they aren't as expensive.
Black Dragon said:
In a larger HMV store you can find good bands such as Limbonic Art, Windir, Borknagar, Destroyer 666 and Pig Destroyer. ;) It's not all bad, but I do prefer other stores as they aren't as expensive.

Like what?  Virgin?  They have Green Day and Evanescence in their metal section, and I'm not aware of any other decent metal stores in the North (unless you could recommend some, of course  ;))
Scaar is a great band. I don't really like that kind of vocals, but It's quite good. Great Thrash metal. You can listen to a few songs in

I strongly recommend "the Poltergeist Song".
Sunn O))).  Certainly not to everyone's tastes, basically a guitar and a bass played through full blast Sunn valve amps making feedback through loads of effects pedals.  Awesome!
Sunn O))) Eh? That drone doom stuff is somewhat of an acquired taste but I do enjoy funeral doom a lot so I guess I should try it sometime. Any particular Sunn O))) albums in particular you recommend? Also, here's an excerpt of a live show of theirs. It's um....ah, just see for yourself.
Awesome video!!

Erm, albums... Either Black 1 or White 1.  White 2 is also excellent but the tracks are a bit stranger and, in a way, more ambient than the usual Sunn O))) tracks (BassAliens especially) so probably best to start with Black 1 or White 1 then go from there.