Petrucci and Vai was the hardest for me because both are guitarists I think are cool, but don't listen to all that often. Overall I prefer Dream Theater's sound more I think. Satriani's also here and I prefer him over Vai so I thought I'd back him instead.
I would’ve went with Vai in a matchup with Satriani no question.

I’m surprised to see Petrucci dominating while Steve Morse is getting clobbered. Of all the influences on Petrucci’s playing, I feel Morse is the strongest.
Vai is supremely talented, but his style is way too gimmicky for my liking. His melodies don't stick with me.
Vai vs Satrani is like the Judas Priest vs Iron Maiden comparison to me. Both are classic and often compared but Satch is just better.
Hardest match for me: Clapton vs Satriani.

This happened 11 days ago in my country:

They can't get near Clapton's feel/sound:

Still... there's the awesome The Extremist solo.
Clapton is a god of tone and feel, agreed. That video is a great example.

The G3 jam certainly cannot compare. However, I would say that Satch excels at tone and feel and beats Clapton in the technique department. Roth and Petrucci are both overplaying the hell out of Hendrix. Satch gets the closest to the feel, but is still overplaying. Of course, the whole point of G3 is for virtuosos to shred. I bet if Satch recorded a version of that song it would be much more restrained.

Serious question: is John Mayer in this game as a guitarist? If not, he should be. He'd lose, but he should be.

Shame about Clapton.
Not many who would get my vote over him, but Satch is one.
Petrucci vs. Vai - voted for Petrucci. Vai is a great guitarist, but as said above, his music isn't really memorable.

Santana vs. Tipton - Santana is great and played a variety of genres, but I voted for Tipton because of metal bias :p

Clapton vs. Satriani - I skipped this one. I don't know enough of their music to pick one. (In case of a tiebreak, I would've gone with Clapton though.)

Åkerfeldt vs. Morse - actually not gonna go with metal bias here. Mikki is a better musician but Morse is a better guitarist, so I voted for him.
Petrucci/Vai: Vai. Both great players but Vai plays with more feeling imo

Santana/Tipton: I used to love Santana but now I feel he's terribly overrated. He has written some amazing melodies but it's hard to listen to an entire album of his

Clapton/Satriani: Clapton all the way. Satriani is one of the most boring guitar players I've ever heard and I hardly can listen to more than a few minutes of his (kinda ironic, I know, since I appreciate Vai a lot, I thought the same would go with Satriani, but really not). Clapton, on the other "slow" hand is not the greatest guitarist ever but has written a lot of beautiful guitar melodies so!

Akerfeldt/Morse: Morse. Listening to his solos on Deep Purple's Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming is just a pure moment of emotion (and one of the best solos ever!)