Bands you love, songs you hate

I don't hate any songs, but I do think some are overrated or just plain bad.

Enter Sandman -- chidish lyrics that make it sound as if it was written by a 12 year old.  Don't bother point out the fact that it is about Jason as a kid having nightmares.  Other songs in a similar vein have been written better, like The Number of the Beast and Go to Hell by Megadeth.  The song is too cheerful and poppie for my liking.  I was never impressed by it even when I was just getting into heavier music and this song could serve as a gateway due to its lighter feel.  The only thing that is redeeming in the song is Kirk Hammett's solo.  Sheer beauty.

I Will Be There -- or whatever the Megadeth's song off the Risk album is called.  It is an obvious attempt to reach the radio friendly fan-base and it sounds like Mustaine stole it from Bon Jovi.

Girls of Summer -- the epitomy of pointless, ga-ga, girlie girlie ballads Aerosmith has done over the last decade.
You think "Enter Sandman" is cheerful and poppy with a "lighter feel" ??????????????  :o

Compared to other metal songs, it may be considered lighter. But I can't see how anyone can call it cheerful - how can lyrics about nightmares be cheerful? And "poppy" is relative to what kind of music is popular at the time. While it was commercially viable (obviously), it was nothing like the pop music of the time. That song was a major force in making heavy songs more popular in general - it became a bit "poppy" as time went on, but was not so when it was released.

But, with all due respect, if you really feel that way about "Enter Sandman", it suggests to me that your point of view is quite narrow - considering almost nothing but metal. Your comments make no sense if you compare that song to music in general. It is considerably heavier than most other music.

Of course you are entitled to that opinion - I just find it baffling.
Onhell said:
You mean like ALL their stuff? :p
Yeah, why not? Good band. ;)

@Khan: I have to say, I love Enter Sandman. For me, one of the better tracks on the black album. I also agree with SMX, it did stand out to other tracks that charted at the time. Guitar based music back then (particularly the heavier tracks) was not really considered that trendy. Tracks like Enter Sandman and Smells Like Teen Spirit were the catalyst to what followed.
I like Rush a lot, but the song "Big Money" has just fallen off of my chart.  I used to like it, but I have to skip over it when it comes on my shuffle anymore.  I can get that its about corporate money or whatever you wanna say, but it just bores me anymore. 

Also, Sammy Haggar's "Give to Live".  I really dig Haggar, but that is one song in all of his work that I just don't like. 
"Who Dunnit?" is just annoying. Sounds like a broken record.
"Jesus He Knows Me" is just dumb. Targeting televangelists years after it was fashionable, and the music is boring.
"Hold On My Heart" sound like Phil Collins solo stuff, despite being written by Tony Banks. Good as a sedative, but not as music.
Honorable mention: "Counting Out Time". While most of the song is great, the keyboard sound on the solo is horrible. That song could have been a hit (it was released as a single, but flopped) if they'd only had a normal keyboard sound.
I have always loved everything from Van Halen, (David Lee Roth era).

I cannot stand Jamie's Cryin' however, that song is just one big whinefest IMO and I liken it to fingernails on a chalk board.
About Enter Sandman.

My music interests may be considered narrow compared to you SMX.  I have no problem saying this.  After having read numerous comments you've made about bands I do not listen to, I can easily say this.  I've tried to listen to many 90s rock bands, but over time, they did not stick with me.  However, I do give stuff a chance and when Enter Sandman came out, I certainly gave it more of a chance due to all the time I had on my hands as a teen.  Today I do not have as much time for music, and I'd probably would not even know Enter Sandman (if it came out today) well enough to mention it in detail.

As far as calling it "poppie", I stick with this label and it is because of the afore-mentioned lyrics.  Do recall, I gave props to the solo, but I feel the song is over-rated otherwise.

I have to be careful when I criticize the Black Album because some of those songs are the first ones I got into.  The album has aged for me, and I'm not gonna criticize Metallica for selling out or anything like that, but I do not find anything special about the album.  Like Hetfield said, the main reason that album was huge was because of the time it was released. 

As far as comparing pop hits to metal or hard rock hits, well, that was never my intention.  There are a few pop songs I like hearing when played, but in general there is no pop group CD I have.  You may call it narrow-minded, I just call it disinterested.
Twisted Sister - Be Chrool To Your Scuel, Leader Of The Pack - how turds like these can sit alongside instant classics like Come Out And Play, The Fire Still Burns & Out On The Streets on the same album (Come Out And Play) is beyond me
KISS - Shout It Loud - one of their greatest hits, yet i despise it
In Flames - Soundtrack to Your Escape - ugh (except probably for Touch of Red's riff)
"Jesus He Knows Me" is just dumb. Targeting televangelists years after it was fashionable, and the music is boring.
"Hold On My Heart" sound like Phil Collins solo stuff, despite being written by Tony Banks. Good as a sedative, but not as music.

I love that song, and i like Collins' solo stuff. 