Ban the person above you

Ban Abas for naming himself after a fish and spelling it wrong  ::)

hmmm or a musical instrument... bass or bass  you decide
Tron said:
Ban Abas for naming himself after a fish and spelling it wrong  ::)

hmmm or a musical instrument... bass or bass   you decide

Ban Tron because my username is my legit first name... för i helvete jag är ingen fisk!
@Abas, i had worried about that possibility
Ban mtmccox because i cant conceve the meaning of his name atall
Ban Metalheadlady for taking that shit and disturbing the relative sausagefest of being a maidenfan  :lol:
Ban Mosh because the girl I like already has a boyfriend. Also because I talk about my personal problems way too much on here.
Ban Mosh because I didn't know he lived in Utah.

Seriously she moved here from Utah. Patiently waiting until they slowly grow apart...