Ban the person above you

Ban Chartwell because of this:
Ban Mosh because, except for the glasses and height, that's pretty accurate for what I look like. And I hate him being right!
Today, I'm banning Chartwell, because I was thinking of all the reasons I should ban him, when I dropped a computer on my foot.  It hurt, I swore, and someone heard me swear.  They were walking with a cane, and thought I had called them that profanity, grabbed the cane and threw it at me.  Now, due to his poor aim and stance, he missed me and hit a tree.  The tree contained some rather large pine cones, and they dropped to the ground, hitting a fellow employee on the head.  She grabbed the pinecone to throw at me, missed, and hit the VP of operations.  He was furious, saw the man in the cane, punched him in the face, and got taken to jail for assault. 

So, basically, I'm banning Chartwell because its fun.
Ban edge of darkness because I prefer chocolate chip pancakes. Also, because I prefer the center of darkness... less light.
Ban Chartwell for waging a campaign against me to try to get me banned.
Ban Chartwell because the kids have lost their freedom and nobody cares till somebody
famous dies
and it was just lies and lies and lies and lies and lies