Axl rose talks S*** on 1989 BBC documentary


I just discovered this documentary on youtube very interesting for anyone who hasn't seen it.... lots of maiden footage I had never seen...this part that I am linking to in particular has an interview with axl rose at Donnington and he talks stupidity about Maiden. I can't believe I had never seen this..!

Up The Irons!
I'm assuming that's where someone asked if GNR is like Maiden and he says "I hope not"?
What the hell is wrong with dealing political issues in music ? Maiden is also not so political but anyway, even if they're, that's not a problem. Rock'n Roll is not just dancing, singing, smoking weed, banging chicks or something. Policy is a serious issue and if you have any ideas about it, you can use it on your lyrical content, it's actually a good thing because it shows that you're staying down to the earth and knowing what is going on over the globe.
I haven't seen the interview for awhile, but I think he meant how the band was run. Political issues in music doesn't makes sense because Axl writes about politics all the time.
Huh, maybe he is talking about their music. I just watched it again. I have no clue what he is talking about and he probably didn't either. I think he sees Maiden's music as being a statement rather then fun music, and he wants GNR's lyrics to be Sex Drugs and Rock N Roll. I know he did write songs like Civil War, but I don't want to call him a hypocrite because I think he just matured.
Is this someone talking bad about Maiden over 20 years ago?  :huh:
Axl Rose was, is and forever will be a Scumbag. That's not me responding to this clip as I seem to remember him saying many good things about Maiden back in 88 but it doesn't alter the fact that he is a walking cuntrag  :)
snake plissken said:
Axl Rose was, is and forever will be a GREAT MUSICIAN. That's not me responding to this clip as I seem to remember him saying many good things about Maiden back in 88 but it doesn't alter the fact that he is a walking cuntrag  :)

Exactly, It is pretty hard to top the early GNR stuff for hard rock greatness .. even the new album is pretty good.  But Axl is a giant douche.
snake plissken said:
Axl Rose was, is and forever will be a Scumbag. That's not me responding to this clip as I seem to remember him saying many good things about Maiden back in 88 but it doesn't alter the fact that he is a walking cuntrag  :)

I'll buy that for a dollar!!!

Axl was jealous that they had to support Maiden, even though their album (appetite) way out-sold Maidens's (SSOASS). He's a dick, pure and simple. 
I don't really see what he said wrong in this interview, other than stating he hoped G'n'R didn't become like Maiden - which is fair enough, and that they played different kinds of music effectively. I think some people need to calm down and forget about Axl Rose, his opinions really shouldn't matter so much to you for that is all they are - he never said Maiden were crap or anything he was just saying he didn't really like their music. He actually said "they are nice guys though" too.
Admittedly, he didn't express his opinion very eloquently but even so, he didn't say anything particularly wrong, maybe just worded it a little badly.

And I am certainly not a fan of Axl Rose!
not quite intensive care but care anyway ha ha
axl,s a twat but appetite has got to be one one the best albums ever.
Axel is in it for the money and girls and that is what he makes music for, whenever I hear him talk it is in one ear and out the other. Loved to see Bruce's epic fencing skills on the other hand.
I don't think so. Maybe in the 80's. But since then he seems to be trying to experiment and really validate himself as an artist.
Well yes, but nevertheless he is trying, and that should be acknowledged.
I'm amazed this is worth discussion here.  As well as a statement from '89.

Maybe we need a 'Whatever happened to the dolphins' thread to discuss things of the past that have no impact.