Are Maiden t-shirts the new Fashion statement?

Perun said:
Please tell me they have that from their mother. ;)

My wife hates Maiden and it drives her nuts that they like the shirt. Oh well...

I have also been driving her nuts watching FLight 666 repeatedly too, although she did watch it the first time and admited she liked the guys.
Onhell said:
That's really cool. My ex's oldest (now 7) is an Opeth fanatic, which I find hilarious.

Despite my 3-year old's taste in shirts, she loves Steely Dan, specifically "Dirty Work". That's from her mother.
Habberdasher said:
My wife hates Maiden and it drives her nuts that they like the shirt. Oh well...

What a shame. I could imagine quite a few interesting situations starting with "please put on your "bad man shirt" for me..."  :halo:
Rock t shirts have been moderatley fashionable for a few years now. I too can remember Beckham wearing one and I can remember a girl in a Justin Timberlake video wearing a Purgatory sleeveless t shirt. A lot of high street shops are retailing Motorhead and Rolling Stones "lips" t shirts so it's only natural that some Maiden shirts are now worn by non-fans. Does this make me mad being a die hard fan since I was 12?? Not at all, I actually like my band getting some mainstream publicity.

I recently wore my Twickenham tshirt featuring Eddie in full rugby outfit, ball under arm, with a pile of bloody players behind him. I was in a store paying for a bottle of wine and the lady behind the counter couldnt take her eyes off the t shirt. She was a little confused as to what a rock band had to do with rugby and no amount of explaining helped.
It doesn't bother me. In fact, it brings a smile to my face when I walk down a street in Vienna and see someone with a Death on the Road shirt. Whatever, at least its good art work.
It's official, I found Iron Maiden t's at both JCPenney and Kohls.  Iron Maiden are now 'main stream'.  :D
Old subject I know but I was browsing and have thoughts to share :P

I personally find it extremely annoying and offensive to see some jerk off who barely knows the band displayed on the shirt he is wearing. Whether or not it is a band that I support it is very disrespectful to the artist and their fans to have their music and everything they stand for reduced to being a mere fashion statement by some Wanker who brought the shirt because it "Looks cool". I've seen shirts myself from bands I didn't listen to that I thought were cool but would never buy and wear it out of being respectful. The whole idea of band shirts in the first place is to publicly show your support for a band or artist, that seems to of changed these days with emo kids wearing them to look cool or to make themselves appear as a "Rebel" because their wearing a Manowar shirt or whatever. Not all bands but a lot want to be supported for their music first and foremost and aren't in the business to get as famous and make as much money as possible by conforming to popular social trends etc. The very act of people going out and buying shirts when they are not a fan of the band metaphorically spits on everything the artist stands for by promoting exactly what they are against.

Although the popularity of the music and Iron Maiden has been on a steady rise once more since 2004 after leveling off a few of years at the end of the 90's. Back in 2004 in the city I call home I was pretty much the only person I saw around wearing Iron Maiden and other metal bands shirts. These days I can't go out of the house and into the city itself without running into multiple other people wearing them also. Anyway yeah that's my views on why having non fans wearing band shirts is totally gay.
Metal_Messiah said:
Old subject I know but I was browsing and have thoughts to share :P

I personally find it extremely annoying and offensive to see some jerk off who barely knows the band displayed on the shirt he is wearing. Whether or not it is a band that I support it is very disrespectful to the artist and their fans to have their music and everything they stand for reduced to being a mere fashion statement by some Wanker who brought the shirt because it "Looks cool". I've seen shirts myself from bands I didn't listen to that I thought were cool but would never buy and wear it out of being respectful. The whole idea of band shirts in the first place is to publicly show your support for a band or artist, that seems to of changed these days with emo kids wearing them to look cool or to make themselves appear as a "Rebel" because their wearing a Manowar shirt or whatever. Not all bands but a lot want to be supported for their music first and foremost and aren't in the business to get as famous and make as much money as possible by conforming to popular social trends etc. The very act of people going out and buying shirts when they are not a fan of the band metaphorically spits on everything the artist stands for by promoting exactly what they are against.

Although the popularity of the music and Iron Maiden has been on a steady rise once more since 2004 after leveling off a few of years at the end of the 90's. Back in 2004 in the city I call home I was pretty much the only person I saw around wearing Iron Maiden and other metal bands shirts. These days I can't go out of the house and into the city itself without running into multiple other people wearing them also. Anyway yeah that's my views on why having non fans wearing band shirts is totally gay.

The band sells T-shirts for a profit, the fact that they are aimed at fans rather than just anyone is logic, not a particular ideal the band is trying to push or anything. Its hardly "insulting" to the band if a person who isn't a fan buys a T-shirt, in the end, the band made money, they gain publicity and hopefully gain a fan in future.

I don't get why people are so protective over the "band's image", why do you care? At the end of the day it isn't going to impact the band's music and thats all that truly matters. Anything else in my opinion is unnecessary, its only going to make you frustrated as there is little you can do about it.
Ardius said:
The band sells T-shirts for a profit, the fact that they are aimed at fans rather than just anyone is logic, not a particular ideal the band is trying to push or anything. Its hardly "insulting" to the band if a person who isn't a fan buys a T-shirt, in the end, the band made money, they gain publicity and hopefully gain a fan in future. 

I agree with Ardius.  Band t-shirts are essentially advertising that the consumer pays for rather than the band.  Genius.  So, from a band's perspective, the more t-shirts with your logo that are walking around, the merrier.  If Obama would put an Iron Maiden banner up on the White House (thynk Wyld Stallyns), I'm sure Rod and the boys would be thrilled.
Metal_Messiah said:
I personally find it extremely annoying and offensive to see some jerk off who barely knows the band displayed on the shirt he is wearing. Whether or not it is a band that I support it is very disrespectful to the artist and their fans to have their music and everything they stand for reduced to being a mere fashion statement by some Wanker who brought the shirt because it "Looks cool".
In japan, where less than 1% of the population is Christian, people will wear the rosary around their neck as jewelery. I'm sure it must be disrespectful in the eyes of a Christian.

Welcome to the real world my friend, where many couldn't care less about the things you hold in high esteem. To some people, it's just a t-shirt and nothing more. You're a real Maiden fan who likes the band's music, and nothing else should matter.

These things don't bother me anymore. Everything from seeing clueless concert chicks who are only there because they think the lead singer is cute or something, to seeing people who aren't fans wearing a Maiden t-shirt... it is of no concern to me, nor are they. One man's trash is another man's gold, as the saying goes.
I was shopping in Next (chain store in the UK selling trendy clothes and you probably wouldnt find a metal head anywhear near it (er why was I there then??))

They had a row of Maiden tshirts with the Purgatory Eddie/Satan next to other "rock" style tshirts.

Is Maiden becoming mainstream  :P
if u go to any rock/metal concert anywhere in the world (maybe except the US) , BLACK maiden tees are what ppl wear the most.