Another one? So soon? (A picture thread)

Conor said:
Here's me:

(I'm the one on the left ;))
Now where have I seen this picture before? :innocent:
You see, If I were to reveal my actual picture, the forum would blow up with tr00ness >:[
Maverick at work in his lab (at the time the picture was taken, our hero was about to make a major scientific discovery)

And his brilliant disciple, Conor when he was young:

(to be continued...) :yes:
Here's me on the last Nomad Soul world tour. This old hard rock fan came up to me, told me how much he loves us and wanted to take a pic with me... kinda weird... ah well, guess that's what you get for being famous ;)
Freaky that was freaking hilarious  :clap:

As for me,  you won't be seeing my picture yet.  I don't want to scare the whole board  :P
Maidenfreak said:
Here's me on the last Nomad Soul world tour. This old hard rock fan came up to me, told me how much he loves us and wanted to take a pic with me... kinda weird... ah well, guess that's what you get for being famous ;)
He must have been a huge supporter of the NS if he wanted a picture with you. I never knew that Arry was that way inclined, politically. :innocent:
Conor said:
(I'm the one on the left ;))
Conor said:
You see, If I were to reveal my actual picture, the forum would blow up with tr00ness >:[

Children, these quotes reveal that anyone can be anyone on the intarnets. Why do you think intarnets friendships are not lasting in the least when they meet in real life? It's because the participants only present the parts of themselves that they want others to see, as opposed to a true friendship in which they accept each other warts-and-all. Does the e-world present a new reality? Or does it dig deeper into our own reality that we don't show in our "real lives". Bah, it's too late for this rambling, incoherent nonsense.


Dear H! LooseCannon, why are you wearing a suit? I think your arch-conservative friend IronDuke is having a bad influence on you.

Now playing: Iron Maiden, "Deja Vu"