I always watch anime dubbed, simply because reading subtitles can draw me out of the story. Respect to the original voice actors, but I’ve also never watched an English dub with bad ones.
?????? Sacrilege! lol I'm fond of ya Diesel11, your my forum mate, but really, dubs are often bad, at best, with some glittering exceptions.
Its too early and Ive had too little sleep to make a big list, (especially since most I like were only translated in limited copy, and only sold in Japan)
But a couple of examples:
I was never a big Cowboy Bebop fan but thats an alright dub, definitely. Nicely done, there.
Lets see...major ones are probably the ones you lads know best. My Hero Academia, there's a pretty great dub overall. For other classics like Bebop, some of the Gundam series were pretty decent. Wing I thought was alright though I haven't watched it in forevs. Kenshin was pretty great dubbed too. Full Metal Panic! (and Fumoffu) that was an incredible dub. One of the best if you're into that sort of thing. (Also Fruits Basket, Tigress of Aizu, Azumanga Daioh, Yae no Sakura, Joshigun, When We Both Look Upon The Stars, Kamikaze Maiko, and Hana Kimi, but not sure if the boys know those) Inuyasha was one of the most
horrible dubs I've ever heard in my LIFE. lol For a counter example. Bloody hell it was awful. After about three minutes, it was too crap to even laugh at anymore. (The Japanese voices are a bit cheesy in this one if I'm honest, but it was made for younger generations)
And if it's a live action adaption (thats actually good) forget it
Dubs for those will always be just a realm of rubbish.
I cannot emphasize enough, you miss
A LOT of emotional depth, nuances, and sometimes important dialogue in the dubs, often, especially if they're not done by an expert team. Many times, they just try to fill space for the original japanese mouth movement of the characters instead of properly laying it out.
The trick with the subs, is to have good ones. And ones that fit well on the screen, are instinctively readable, and dont hurt your eyes, dont blend into the background like a shinobi, or interfere much with the actual images. lol Preferences can vary here, but it changes things quite a bit.