Album Elimination Thread II

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Ladies and gentlemen of the Album Elimination Thread (II):

For the rest of the week, ending with Saturday, the 3 post limit will be struck down to a one post limit. You may go directly after another person even if you just went before them. This is done in hopes of perhaps speeding things up and to spice this shit up a little. Let's go.

Piece of Mind - 171
Powerslave - 318 (+1)
Somewhere in Time - 143 (-1)

Seventh Son of a Seventh Son - 318
Piece of Mind - 171
Powerslave - 320 (+1)
Somewhere in Time - 141 (-1)

Seventh Son of a Seventh Son - 318
Piece of Mind - 171
Powerslave - 322 (+1)
Somewhere in Time - 139 (-1)

Seventh Son of a Seventh Son - 318

You forgot to add + subtract so I fixed it + my stuff.
Piece of Mind - 171
Powerslave - 324 (+1)
Somewhere in Time - 137 (-1)

Seventh Son of a Seventh Son - 318
Piece of Mind - 171 (-1)
Powerslave - 324 (+1)

Somewhere in Time - 137
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son - 318
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