A walk through history


I have a pretty wide taste in music, but it's been a while since I've been super-excited about Maiden.

I've decided to listen to all of the 15 albums exclusively for two days each until the release; effectively taking a walk through history.

I didn't appreciate the meandering guitar solos in Strange World so much as I do now... anybody want to join me?
I'd love to, but I'm on vacation now and don't have unlimited listening-time at home either. But I might do a shorter version and catch up with you, maybe write a short right now review for every record, starting next week.
I hope you'll post something about your experiences here!
I'd love to, but I'm on vacation now and don't have unlimited listening-time at home either.

I plan on listening to all the studio albums leading up to the release too--I have vacation coming as well, and unfortunately, it goes into the Labor Day weekend, so I'll be out in the sticks when Book of Souls comes out, since they switched all releases to Fridays. So, can't hear it til probably the following Tuesday! :help:
I always do this prior to the release of a new Maiden album except I do one album a day. Really gets me even more pumped for the new stuff!
Well I haven't planned to listen through their discography or anything but with the new album hype I've listened to more Maiden in the last few weeks than I have in a long time. Including X-Factor and Virtual plays - albums I really haven't heard in years.
I've been the opposite, really. As much as part of me kinda wants to listen through the story so far, I've really been wrapped up in other music of late, particularly Nightwish and Be'Lakor. I think I might leave it that way, so the single/album has a greater impact when I hear it. I don't want Maiden Fatigue.
That's too bad foro, you're missing some great discussion! :p
I'd love to, but I'm on vacation now and don't have unlimited listening-time at home either. But I might do a shorter version and catch up with you, maybe write a short right now review for every record, starting next week.
I hope you'll post something about your experiences here!

Will do... I look forward to you catching up and joining me!
I am actually doing this same thing on my album review page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheDuellists
My buddy and I are listening to each album 3-4 times and giving full, dueling reviews!
Damn, you're ahead. Very thorough!
I always do this prior to the release of a new Maiden album except I do one album a day. Really gets me even more pumped for the new stuff!
I've gone for the two days to an album approach because occasionally a day will go by when I can't get the headphones on, so this is my failsafe.